There's no saving these sort of people. Intellectually defunct, ignorant of life, happy in their narrow world view, cowards and sheeplike they revel in their pathetic racist self important bubble. I see some on Twitter are calling for their addresses to be found and published, and though I am not in favour of mob rule it would be good to see them squealing when a vengeful bunch turn up to oppress THEM!
They are all prevalent now , not sure what you’re reasons for denying this are it’s been on the news quite recently and there’s been numerous undercover programmes about this . is it an holocaust ignorant denial type or genuinely don’t know ?
The rise of the likes of Hopkins, Robinson and Farage has made this acceptable to many people. They think it's funny. They think they're hard. They see people like these 3 cretins on a platform spewing their bile and they think it's normal and that's how you're supposed to behave.
I would be in favour for there addresses to be published, but on the other hand if someone did turn up at there house it would only get turned around into a racist attack and breed more hate.
Growing up in Pontefract I can honestly say I've never encountered hate crimes or racism. I've heard misguided comments and slang terms used that would be classed as unacceptable. However, I've never seen problems locally attributed to race. I've heard things in pubs in Barnsley before, during and after matches. Since living in Rotherham. The town centre has been closed off regularly for EDL rallies. It becomes a race riot when the many minorities converge in the town centre. I've never witnessed it in person because it's not my cup of tea. I'm not ignorant to it. It just haven't been actively looking for it. I don't feel the need to champion someone else's cause when I've enough in my own life to contend with. Maybe I'm just someone who accepts my own limitations and is happy with my lot. That doesn't see what protesting and anarchy achieve in the long run. Going by these threads it would seem that nothing much has changed since the sixties. In that case one could argue it's all been in vain. I'm as aware as anybody. Just question what happens next? After the protest is there to be a period of finding a way forward. Race equality classes? Do's and donts of multicultural society awareness classes? How to live together and get along classes. I go by the mantra don't do to others what you wouldn't want doing to yourself.
Well done Barnsley Football Club. Remember, Clarke, these racist scumbags and their apologists don't speak for or represent all of us Barnsley fans.
Well tbh it seems to me you’ve your head in the sand when it comes to what prejudice is still prevalent and the fact you havnt looked for it seems to me more denial as it’s everywhere on the news etc . But to put that you’re fed up of apologising doesn’t seem to me from someone who’s neutral on this . Your comments seem to lean more one way than the other then say you don’t know what’s actually going on . You’re happy to say you don’t want to apologise all your life but not find out why ( even though an apology is not what’s being sought . I may be barking up the wrong tree but your posts on this are rather confusing tbh .
Yep, certainly can't maintain the moral high ground, he started an anti racist rally with a racist remark. Now he as just said he didnt write it but was just reading from the script, that's acceptable is it ? He says he's not racist, ok fair enough but after reading from script why didnt he make a point of say something about the content he read ?" dont shop in their shops " racism is vile and as no place in society but racists are not just confined to white Englishmen with a union flag tattooed on their chest, and yes I know the black community suffer more than white folk but it shouldn't be a tit for tat thing
There's stupid people and stupid comments on both sides of the divide but let's be fair...we should all know that there's only one side of the argument that it's acceptable to be on.
Can you explain the difference then, not being funny but if a black bloke says " dont shop in white owned shops " and a white bloke says " dont shop in black owned shops" they are both equally racist, or am I missing something
Redhelen, I 100% get that, but are you saying that black people cant be accused of racism against a white person because their ancestors were persecuted more than whites. Have I got you all wrong or actually are you saying this ?? Because if you are you are saying racism and racists are all different, some racists should be allowed but others should be condemned,? all racism is bad, there is no acceptable racism, it's all vile