She has just told parliament she is going to double the minimum sentence for protesters who assault emergency workers give you one guess as to what the minimum sentence is Guessing 2 x 0 = lots
Exactly. But it does irk me somewhat that the pilloring of her appears fine and there is no misogynistic or racial element attached to this because she is a tory. You can't have it both ways. My political standing is clear so please don't suggest there is any agenda here.
We can't say she is a useless woman, but we can say she is useless. We can't say she is a useless immigrant, but we can say she is useless. We can't say she is useless because she is an immigrant or a woman, but we can say she is useless because she is useless (or any other legitimate reason).
Just to point out my attacking of Patel has absolutely nothing to do with her sex or colour and everything to do with her record and lack of competence. I would make exactly the same comments if she was a white male
Yes I know that. But when people cited the same with Abbott they were accused by many, readily on here of being racist and misogynistic. I'm sure a minority were. However coming from an interracial afro-caribbean family I should be allowed the opinion that Abbott fluffed her lines far too often and did become a significant hindrance to the Labour parties chances. I should be able to hold this opinion without being labelled. Just find it more than a tad ironic.
FWIW I was no fan of Dianne Abbot either and didnt agree with some of her statements and she was certainly prone to the odd Gaffe, but she definitely was targetted by a misognenistic racist group of people who may not hurl the same abuse at Patel because she has political views more in line with theirs Im fairly sure Patel doesnt have to put up with this - at least I hope she doesnt
How do you know that Sestren meant anything other than Diane Abbott being accused of being inept, when he posted that?
I think to date, she has been poor and largely invisible. Certainly compared to Jack Straw, David Blunkett and Theresa May, all home secretaries who at least turned up and did a shift, whether you liked them or not, and never off the telly either.
Well if the tory's are all racist by definition then surely she would? Abbott was subjected to horrific abuse by a large minority but my point rather was that many who clearly weren't racist were tarred with the same brush.
That's not what i've said though: i've never suggested he or she meant anything else apart from what they said. I've said that actually he or she could be accused of racism or mysogyny for saying this by others.
Her speech today was pretty good overall. Link here if anyone wants to hear it.
By way of balance this is probably the best thing I have heard from Patel - her response to a question on racism today I would say it would be quite nice to see actions to back up her words but the actual words themselves are good words
To be honest i think my post was slightly stirred by something i came accross today on social media. It was regarding the BLM protest in barnsley yesterday. Someone from Manchester (i looked at their profile, very well educated labour party supporter) stated that Barnsley was a racist town allied with a reference to mining? I was disappointed with this huge generalisation especially with the inference that mining had something to do with this (we have no mines). I don't think this is the case. If we look at this forum then it's evident the majority aren't. We clearly have a highly vociferous minority that are in the town as a whole though. Is this a true representation of how others see us? Is this generalisation in any way justifiable?
Not read any details on this thread but anyone who assultes an emergency worker wants locking away until they fully understand what they have done & have been rehabiltated 100%.
I think you’re right about the vociferous minority, I believe their is an element who follow BFC, I say this because a few years, I attended a Barnsley TU organised anti-racism rally. We started at Churchfields near the Police Station. We were attacked/ ambushed even, by a group, It appeared only snowballs were thrown at us, but there was plenty of gesturing and vocal abuse aimed at us. The Police came and cleared them and said we should be alright now because they’d all gone to the Courthouse before going to the match. Not implicating the Courthouse House Reds here by the way, the lads I know who travel with them are sound. As a former miner who was proud of the NUM’s visible ant- Nazi, anti-Racism stance I was so disappointed that this had happened in my home Town, The capital of the NUM if you like.