We’ve done the first car random thread (which we can do again). but what was you favourite car you owned? when I was 19( nearly 20 years ago might I add), I had a Vauxhall calibra and boy did I feel top lad in. (Never mind the £4K third party insurance)
Got a golden handshake when I completed my first year of teaching. So went out the next day and bought a second hand 340bhp M3. Jesus it was fast! Was in my late 20's with a few years no claims, so insurance wasn't that bad.
Vauxhall nova started out as a 1.2 ended up with a 200bhp cavalier turbo lump under the bonnet just got all done took the girlfriend up to Blackpool for the lights and some **** went up the rear end writing it off
Austin maestro, a right heap but only paid £250 and ran it for over 3 years. How it passed mot I still dont know, sold it for£50,
Sierra XR4 x 4 . It was high mileage but an ex company directors car and had loads of extras including full body kit, and held the road like it was stuck to it! it was the dogs doo dah’s.
I had a red Peugeot 206 cc with the convertible hard top. Camp as the day is long, absolutely loved it.
Once screeeemed the knackers off a Mini 850 all the way to Blackpool, with Di the wife, was it worth it? you had better beleive it . She's just agrreed
Had a Datsun Bluebird 180B SSS, sports coupe, Twin Carb, cracking colour scheme 18 inch Wolfrace alloy wheels, Absolute stunner. it was like **** off a shovel. Had to park it up during the Miners strike, and typically of Datsun’s back then the bodywork duly rotted. Worth bugger all by the time I could afford to Tax, test, insure it.
Peugeot 406 executive. 3.0V6 petrol with all the bells and whistles available on a car made in 1996 - leather seats with memory, rain sensitive wipers, cruise control etc - all things I never had before,(and now cant do without!) and rather rapid. Got it at just over a year old when I was given a work car allowance on promotion in 1997 with 15000 on the clock, traded it in 10 years later with 197000 on the clock having never broken down or had any major fails - just tyres brakes and 3 radiators. Id have bought another one if they had still made them. Engine was still running perfectly but the rest of the car was dropping to bits.
Triumph Dolomite Sprint. First brand new car I ever got when I was working for British Forces in Germany. Bright Yellow 1977 - and one month after it was out of warranty it dropped a spark plug and cracked a cylinder. I borrowed a trailer and my girlfriend and I towed it back to Doncaster borrowing a mate's German Registered Merc, while he used the girlfriend's BMW one weekend before Easter to get it fixed at a friend's garage. Late night ferry to Dover Friday night, drove up to Doncaster Saturday morning, dropped the car off, went to my parents, and went to see Barnsley play at Oakwell that afternoon, and drove back to Germany on the Sunday - arriving about midnight - work the next day. Didn't think anything of it! I flew home two weeks later at Easter and picked the car up then.