Zero sum game theory. Encapsulated in one message. Pleasingly succinct. Think we did a 5000 word essay on it. Should have just turned that message in.
John Oliver did a piece earlier in the year about Sheriffs. Absolutely mind blowing, many go unchallenged and are in post until they decide they don't want to be. Many have profited personally by keeping running costs in prisons down, usually on quality of food. One sheriff had a huge waterfront holiday property in Florida.
No I understand all of that. I'm not saying I'm against the message what I'm saying is that it as a message doesn't solve the problem. George floyd wasn't killed for being black. George floyd was killed for being a career criminal who was a bit shall we say agitated when he was stopped by police for committing a minor crime. That's the truth of the matter. I think we need to sort out the problem of thug cops who abuse their power. The ones who gunned down Donnell long claiming he had a gun which has never been found. The ones who assassinated Daniel Shaver as he crawled begging for his life. The ones who knelt on George floyds neck for 8 minutes as he shouted over and over that he couldn't breath. The ones who killed Eric Garner. They need to be driven out of the police and a change in how they work needs bringing in. That needs doing across the board not just when dealing with black men. For this reason web it comes to police brutality it is true that all lives do indeed matter. I don't think all lives matter should be a slogan or a movement but I do believe end police brutality should. Race doesn't and shouldn't come into it, the thugs need to stop doing it to ANYONE. Black lives in the meaning of their entire life from childhood to adulthood does matter though and should be a thing but that isn't what black lives matter, the movement, is about. The movement is about police targeting black men, something which is missing the actual problem so so much. I just wish people would put as much effort into eradicating racism in general, into giving the poorer areas of both America and England, areas with a lot of black people in them, a chance. Fund their schools, given open up business and employment opportunities for them. Give them a chance to not become criminals because if you're a criminal you're going to come into contact with police. Come into contact with police especially in America and you are in trouble. End the cycle. Black livelihoods matter. Black opportunities matter. Police brutality needs to stop. Two issues that need dealing with as two distinct issues. In short I don't use all lives matter as a retort or as a way to lower the meaning or anything like that. I try not to use it at all but in general conversation I will use the words, not a slogan but a sentence, because it's true. ALL lives do matter. I am fully behind campaigns for black people to be given the same opportunities. I am fully behind any campaign to drive out thug cops. I just can't get behind a campaign that sees the colour of someone's skin and instantly makes it a race issue. I think that in itself is prejudiced
It’s not all about George Floyd , his death sparked the current actions but the Black lives matter movement started well before GF. I don’t know why you keep on your campaign of the relevance of BLM unless you don’t agree theirs injustices towards bkackbpeople ?its a registered civil rights movement about the injustices of Black people as their are other civil rights movements on specific injustices . He wasn’t killed Legally for a minor crime as the crime isn’t punishable by death and he wasn’t even resisting arrest . Your clutching at straws to justify your arguments and they really don’t stack up they are only based on your wrong assumptions .
Bugger I honestly thought I'd expanded on that but think I forgot to. Purely in that the more often you are involved with crime, the more often you are arrested by police. The more often you're arrested by police the more chance there is you will encounter one of the thugs. To put it another way if it was his first crime he had bought one raffle ticket. When it's his 5 crime he's bought 5 raffle tickets ( I'm not sure how many crimes exactly he's commited). Not blaming him at all though, should be able to commit 100 crimes and get dealt with professionally and safely each time. I was just trying to explain that his criminal history is what gave a murderous thug the opportunity to kill him.
I'll tell you now that's absolute ********. If someone says that you shouldn't be out at a mass protest during a lockdown and that attacking police horses is wrong they're racist? Absolute ********
Well I haven't posted 2 or more of your bingo card statements, but I certainly believe 2 or more of them. Thank you for exposing me as a closet racist.
If you aren't trying to win the i'm more alarmed than you I want a foooking noble peace prize contest you're a racist.
Excellent post. At least you've put some solutions forward instead of just standing on a soap box shouting louder and stamping your feet.
I think this is where the debate gets mixed up, a very early in my Management career a very clever man said to me look for the solution to the disease not the symptom. In this case Racism is the disease, George Floyd the symptom. Dealing with the GF case in isolation won’t solve racism, it may help, it may not but if History tells us anything is things will quickly settle down and GF all but be forgotten in the sands of time. It’s the issue of Racism that needs addressing unfortunately I don’t believe this is a short term solution, it will be nigh on impossible to turn a lot of people’s views on either side of the argument, which is why I am advocate of education. Bring it into mainstream curriculum and everyday messages and it will start to turn.
It was poor what he said when he said about shopping at your own shops from a person who could bring people together instead of dividing them. But the people who are kicking off the fuss about it most are the ones who have been sharing tommy Robinson's stuff for years and other right wing nut jobs.... snowflkes