Alfa 164 Twin Spark, the most beautiful car I've ever owned. The first time I saw one I knew I had to have one. I bought it new as a result of my, second, mid-life crisis and I was fully expecting it to bankrupt me with repair costs but it never let me down and was an absolute joy to drive and own. Passed on to wife after four years as I didn't want to part with it when I had to have a company car . Nothing I've had before or since comes close to that experience.
Peugeot 405 SRI, full kit and skirt on it, fast as ****. Didn’t appreciate it at time, keep trying to find one now but nigh on impossible.
Best Car I have owned was a Mercedes CLA AMG that was chipped to 300bhp. Red with black rims, blacked out windows and pan sun roof. I loved that car but it wasn't a good idea to own, considering with my work I used to drive upwards of 40k miles a year, so I sold it. Best car we've owned for just bezzing about it, was the Mini Cooper Sport Convertible. It was like driving a go cart. W4nk on the motorway, but fun as hell on local roads.
Vauxhall Cavalier, early 90s, probably thought of it as my best through nostalgic eyes, no air con, no CD player, wind down windows, but it never failed me and got me up and down the country every weekend with no problems, have the insignia now, again love the car, 750 miles on a full tank I managed last year, again up and down the country
Same here, although mine was the 1995 model and didn't have pop up headlights. Had one as a company car and enjoyed it so much that when I left the company I bought myself another one. I'd probably need a winch to get in and out of it these days.
When we went on holiday to the East coast, there'd be us two, the two kids, two German Shepherds, all our clothes, plus all of Laura's medications AND her pump & stand for her necessary overnight feeds. It was somewhat snug.
Do bikes count ? Had company cars ( mostly) up until last year when they gave us an allowance to buy our own so my current car is only the second one I’ve ever owned. But I’ve owned a few bikes, joint favourite with my current bike was the Honda Fireblade I bought from new in 2012, looked and sounded gorgeous and went like stink on the autobahn and the 3 trips we did to the Nurburgring Happy Days.
Great car mate. I had similar. Mine was a 1500 twin carbs, N reg. And same colour. Unfortunately it rusted away.
Probably showing my age but a Jet Black Ford Capri only a 1600 Laser but it was all I could afford at the time I fitted a body kit and thought it was the dogs ********. I've had much faster cars since but as a 19 old in the 80s that was as good as it got imho.
As a kid growing up in the '60's, my Dad had a light blue Ford Consul. With it's bench front seat & gear stick on the steering column, it seemed huge to me and appeared to be able to seat dozens! It broke my heart when he got rid of it.
A mate of mine had a capri 1300 and he replaced the carbs with twin webbers and did something to the exhaust, sounded great went like a snail on horlicks.. I always wanted a 3.0 S as driven in "The Professionals" but would have been far too old by the time I could afford one. First car I was ever driven at over 100mph in was a capri mark 1 (3000E I think) that my "Uncle" Frank had and I remember zooming up the M1 with him driving me and my cousin at speed - cant remember where we were going just seeing the speedo showing around 115mph. and us shooting past the lorries as if they were standing still. My parents would have had a fit if they had known
I loved my white Fiesta so much I got another. Then a yellow one!! Lovely cars, and I thought the rear hatch storage was ENORMOUS Fave car though wasn't one of mine, it was my Dads Triumph, circa 1974. It didn't have a name, it was just a Triumph 2.5 PI (Petrol Injection). 4 gears plus 'overdrive'. Loved that car, the smell of the leather seats still noticeable over the smell of Petrol (which I thought was cool, but probably indicated a leak somewhere). Dark Grey, LKY 92G
A few 'favourites' for me. First up....1969 Lotus Elan S4. In 1980 I'd been fancying a sportscar to replace my 1958 Frogeye Sprite, looked at a few.... MG A, Triumph TR 4 and 5, I even went to Whitby to look at a 1960 Porsche 356, £350....I remember thinking the robbing dog will never get that!! We did a job at Thorne Colliery and coming away noticed the Lotus parked on a drive with two feet of grass going round it, knocked on the door and the lady said it was her son's...he now worked abroad and did want to sell it but wouldn't be home for another month. Four weeks later he rang me up and for £400 I became a very chuffed Elan owner, it needed a lot of work, but what an amazing car. I ran it until 1990 and took it off the road to treat it to a new chassis, got busy at work, and thirty years on its a kit of parts in my garage...I'll get round to finishing it someday...hopefully. Second up....A very mundane 1999 Hyundai Amica, I paid £800 for it in 2008 just to put my lad on while he passed his test and built up a no claims bonus...ten years later I was still running it, the only things it cost me out of the norm was a £25 gearbox mounting and a £12 set of plug leads. A mention too to a couple my old man had that were interesting...A 1932 Buick Straight Eight, you see them in The Untouchables, one of only a handful made in RHD by Buick, Edward the 8th owned one, ours was previously owned by a Lord whose name I can't remember. The other interesting one was a 1974...ish, Mazda RX3 with the rotary engine...lovely piece of kit, sadly the body rusted away in no time.