Seeing as this has been turned into a But Corbyn thread. Let me tell you about the Parable of the Plumber. In December last year, I had a leaking toilet. It wasn't too bad, I could live with it, but long term it needed repairing. So I looked online to find a plumber. Now there were loads of plumbers online, but two stood out. There was Berris Juhnson and Jorimy Curben. So I hired the guy with the biggest and brightest advert - after all, he must be the best. Mr Juhnson got the job. So Mr Juhnson turned up, he told me that my bathroom was brilliant. He'd fix my toilet in 2 minutes and then everything would be fantastic. He told me he'd get my toilet fixed. We spoke about other plumbers in the area, and that plenty of his rivals often dithered and wasted time looking for the cause of leaks and spent time thinking about consequences. All I needed was to fix my toilet to unlock it's potential. He finished the job that very day, shook my hand, punched the air and went on his merry way. But the following morning I woke up and my toilet was leaking just as bad as ever. Did I ring Mr Juhnson up to complain and ask him to come back and rectify his mistakes? Did I balls. What's the point in that. I just told everyone that yes my toilet was leaking, but thank god I didn't use that other plumber, just think how much damage he would have caused. It would have been far worse. My friends thought I was nuts. They said why didn't I just complain to Mr Juhnson that he'd not done the job properly. I told them to stop being negative and he did the best he could. After all, it would have been far worse with the other plumbers.
My thoughts are that it’s absolute ******!! The world has lost its marbles.......will they be deleting all Harry Enfields series when they had sketches taking off ‘Geordie’ and ‘The scousers’?? My 2 kids loved little Britain and come fly with me, so a think it’ll lead them to being racists cos of a black face?? Not at all.......I’ve never heard out as stupid in my life ever
Are Lucas or Walliams racist? From what little i know of them I highly doubt it. Do i think they should be removed from netflix or wherever for reasoning that the shows are racist? No. Of course not. I thought the "im a lady" sketches were a bit out of order but no, leave them up other than for clearing down space for newer stuff. The prime reason i think it's stupid to take them down is that it gives the apologists for actual racists to get outraged and give them cover. As is already evident.
The world has lost it’s sense of humour. Understand the need for change in many aspects of life but the removal of Little Britain and Come Fly With Me is bonkers. May as well ban Rab C Nesbitt as it paints a stereotypical image of a Scotsman, it’s only the same.
Looking back some of the stuff on these programmes (Bo Selecta was particularly bad) is horrendous. I'm not sure removing them is the answer, as they stand as evidence of how we've moved on, but they're definitely not fine. I'd like to see a comedy show introduce a character called "Barry the Brexit Bell-end". He lives in a house plastered in England flags, hates immigrants but loves a chicken tikka Masala and wants to retire abroad, has a shrine to Tommy Robinson, owns a dangerous dog, blames everything on lefties and pc gone mad and his favourite TV programme is the black and white minstrel show. You can bet that a lot of the people saying Little Britain etc. are fine would be frothing at the mouth to get it removed.
I certainly wouldn’t. I’d probably find it funny. Not everyone who can laugh at the stuff in Little Britain and the like has strong right wing racist opinions.
Love Thy Neighbour is an interesting one. The show is littered with words, phrases, and attitudes that are rightly considered unacceptable these days. Yet for all that, this was a show that attempted to show how idiotic racism is, and presented it as something that only overly-masculine idiots would indulge in. The two wives were good friends and portrayed as level-headed, while the two husbands indulged in racist one-upmanship of the very worst kind. In most episodes, the black neighbour would have the last laugh, at the expense of the white neighbour. I'm not saying it should ever be shown again, but I've always thought it was more educational and thought-provoking than people may expect, given the basic premise. I loved it as a kid (I was 11 when it started) and I think it did a pretty good job of teaching me how stupid racists are. Sometimes bringing things out onto the light and laughing at them is better than shoving them into the shadows.
I would ban and remove "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" as many posters on here will negatively connect with at least one of those traits
Totally agree.Despair for my grandkids cos by the time they are adults nobody will be allowed to laugh,face masks will be worn to stop people saying things rather than corona.The pits ,steelworks etc was constant banter and mickey taking.Nobody took offence because it wasnt nasty and that includes the black steelworkers.
Interesting that it's a very popular programme which strongly features parodies of gay men, (Rory) abuse of the elderly in how they treat grandad, foul and abusive language, and **** taking of religion plus the tacit approval of Buster being a prolific petty thief. Strangely I have not heard any criticism of the programme from Gay Pride, Help the Aged, Rehabilitation of Offenders, or the Catholic Church. Nor the cross dressing protection league
I can see a future where certain films/programmes will be on a pay per view channel like porn. Movies like Blazing saddles, and gone with the wind(just been removed from HBO) will be on after 10pm of course. Shows like little Britain, Bo selecta, mind your language on as well. All showing explicit race warnings before being shown.