A paedophile (and his girlfriend) who has I believe served his time has been tracked down and hounded out of his home in Hull. Moved house (council house I think) again and just a couple of days later hounded out of his house again under police escort. One of his neighbours said "He should be moved out of Hull altogether and into an area where he is not known" Now I don't want to get into the whole discussion on paedophiles and talking about how evil they are, any justification or lack of for their crimes or whether they should be castrated, killed, given life imprisonment or not etc but a genuine question is once they've served their time and are legally free what should happen to them? Understandably people aren't exactly keen on having them live nearby, I get that. But they do have to live somewhere so what's the solution? And what's your view on whether they should be moved to somewhere where people don't know them? My first thought was that as undesirable as it is to have one on your street isn't it safer for the local children to know that the guy at number 22 is a paedophile rather than having him moved somewhere else where the kids have no idea their best door neighbour is one?
I was watching something about paedophiles in the Anerican system , and when released from prison they went to a treatment centre ( that was like prison in that they couldn't leave it but they werent locked in cells or anything. Ended up with them being stuck in there for years after completing the programne because they couldn't find housing fo them.
If someone's done their time and they've control orders in place and support then it shouldn't be an issue. A lot of registered sex offenders and paedophiles have other underlying medical conditions, both mental and physical. Quite a lot have addictions to drugs and alcohol. I've seen what happens when control orders and support is removed. I can't go into specifics but people get hurt. Such measures are vital, it gets ex offenders I to work etc and gives them a purpose, self worth and keeps the demons at bay. The Germans treat paedophilic behaviour as a mental illness. Offenders are treated equally as both a criminal and a patient at the same time. I'm not saying it right or wrong but worth reading up on. Something tells me certain political figures and news outlets won't agree to that view.
With a Paedophile do they ever serve their time? Are they not on a register for life as a result of Sarah’s law? Genuine question, because if correct whilst they might have served a custodial sentence in effect they are permanently on licence and in turn can always be ‘found’. In answer to your location question, I don’t have an answer as I’m quite happy to say I would not wanting them living near me, but understand they have to live somewhere.
Is this the Charles Stewart one that met another paedophile in prison and moved in with him when released?
Well one things for sure if I had kids I wouldn’t want one living near me , as far as I’m concerned with this kind of thing ‘ having served time’ isn’t relevant as there is always the chance of a relapse.To me the whole served time thing is dependant on a combination of the crime and the the individual anyway. Ie genuine desire to reform, repeat offender or ‘one off’ spontaneous crime, but a deep rooted desire is something else altogether
I think the only way for them is their own communities. I don't think they will ever be properly accepted in society. I wouldn't want to mate about with an ex paedophile. It's one of those unforgivable crimes for me. There's no going back. I don't want to legitimise other crimes such as murder but sometimes there are mitigating circumstances. With anything sexual there isn't. It should be a life sentence.
Until there is irrefutable proof that they are completely reformed anyone who commits a serious sexual crime against a child loses their right to live in a normal community in my opinion.
It’s a difficult one, who’d want one living near their kids/grandkids. As soon as you found out you’d want them moved on.
Should they wear a tag. ? Trace implant. ? Finding somewhere to live anonymously would surely mean a change of identity. But that I believe isn’t allowed to happen. Tough shout For neighbours, As no one wants to have to be on their guard all the time. It’s more acceptable to have a murderer living next door.
My issue with it is that if someone’s sexually attracted to children they always are going to be aren’t they? I don’t think it’s possible with any amount of therapy for that to change so they’re always a ticking time bomb. I wouldn’t want one living anywhere near me but if there is one I don’t think I’d want to know either as it’d do my head in. I think I’d rather just be a responsible parent & hope there’s none nearby
Most of the paedophile documentaries I've seen depict Paedophiles as extremely predatory who research and plan their crimes over a period of time. I doubt as parents if one set their sights on our children there is much we could do about it. That's how scary it is.
I did two years transferring prisoners from prison to court, we regular transferred these type of people, they were hated by the other inmates and they were often called out for it and threatened if they were ever on the same landing ( most ask to go on a VP wing with people of the same mind set because they know they wouldnt last long in general population) the thing with these types is they cannot whatsoever see that what they did was wrong, in Winchester Prison ( and I should imagine this mirrors many more) they use it as some kind of rank structure I.e the more sickening of your abuse of kids the higher up the status you go, they are often caught bragging with each other about who is the worst, I know what I think the solution should be but I wont type it on here