My ancestors built this country. They didn’t have slaves and they didn’t receive any benefit from those that had slaves. The same group of people that did have slaves were the same group that ransacked Ireland and sent young lads and lasses into coal mines and mills. I resent the preacher in Texas saying that the grandchildren of slave owners pulled down the statue of a slave owner. Thats tarring all British people as descendants of slave owners. The wealth of Britain didn’t come from slaves or slave owners. The people of Britain like this little fella shown in the photograph made Britain wealthy. He might look black - but he isn’t.
It's not even remotely in question that slavery helped this country prosper - it did, whether any of us like it or not. That's not to say the little lad in the photo and all the other hardworking British people didn't do their bit - but slavery unfortunately was responsible for much of the country's wealth and the success of port cities like Liverpool and Bristol, hence the statue of Colston. I don't think the preacher meant to generalise for anything other than dramatic effect - obviously the vast majority of British people's families won't have owned or helped in the transportation of slaves - that doesn't make what he said right but in context I understand the point he's making.
Slave ownership was far more common that people realise. It wasn’t just the upper class and elites that owned slaves. Many middle class and even working class people owned slaves as an investment. Many of these slaves didn’t even work in the UK, they worked in the Caribbean. But the UK based owners got paid for their slave being allowed to work on a plantation.
I can guarantee your part in the process @Young Nudger up until a few yrs ago your taxes and mine were paying off the debt to the slave owners. So it might not have been your choice, you might not have benefitted directly (almost certainly have indirectly) but you aren’t that far divorced from the process. #everdaysaschoolday
How can you know that? The economy of the British Empire was built on slavery and dominance over the countries subjugated. Almost everybody in Britain benefited from it directly or indirectly. The Industrial Revolution was built in part on the cheap import of cotton from the West Indies.
More or less slaves - yes. Many tied to their place of work. If you look at the coal mines with over 1 million working in them, the railways with their massive viaducts, huge mills, steel works, canals - all of which started the industrial revolution - and some people now trying to belittle all that in trying to rewrite history by saying most of it was built by black African slaves. When actually there was only a very small percentage of people that were not white British in those days. Absolutely laughable !!!
He’s just pushing and seeing how much it will take for him to get banned. If he doesn’t get banned permanently after these last 2 days there’s something wrong.
I don't actually want him banning for these latest attempts at wind-ups; he's just digging himself into an ever-deepening hole & showing himself up. If he's happy being the subject of utter ridicule, fair play to him.
Why should you want me or anyone else to get banned ??? Is it so you can continue with your bland herd mentality comments - trying your best to go with the flow even if that means rewritIng history. Your type - are the type that dosen’t question and then finds themselves stood in a circle watching books being burnt on the streets.
Because people like you reflect badly on the town and the football club. You keep talking about ambition of the club, you are actively making the town and club look like it’s inhabited by Neanderthals. Clarke Oduor posted just 2 days ago his disgust that he plays for a club that’s in a town inhabited by racist morons. How do you think he would react to seeing your messages on here? Do you think that will make him more likely or less likely to stay at the club long term?
Why haven't you clarified what you were on about with "black monkeys" in a thread about race then? You'd have to be a total idiot to not suspect some intent to wind people up using that example? I don't believe you are racist, just to clarify although I'm sure you couldn't care less.