You didn’t have a clue what it meant till I used it then you googled it and told me it came from Tommy Robinson (which it didn’t) I’m glad you’ve been able to adapt it into your vocabulary though as I know most of your generation are set in their ways. Way to go champ!
If someone told me that Nudgers ancestors owned Mansfield_red ancestors. Then yes, I could well believe that and understand why. Lol !!!
No. Yet again you've spectacularly misunderstood. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. Actually, it is hilarious as you continue to show yourself up day after day. Edit: I can't be bothered
My reference to virtue signalling was specific to the 'UKs historical participation in 'slavery'' element of this thread. Nothing to disagree with you on when it comes to abhorrence of how SOME people judge people on their skin colour. Apologies if you thought otherwise.
They did prosper from the compensation they got their freedom because we paid it. I've checked my ancestry back few generations and to a man and woman they were working class folk toiling away for nowt a yard maybe not slaves in name but in actuality not far off because until we had unions the employers held all the power. So why the hell should I be made to feel like I should feel guilty because 250 years ago some rich probably Tory git became a bit richer because not only did he have my ancestors working their fingers to the bone for him he also had slaves in the west Indies. **** happens it happened 200 years ago FFS let it go.
In fairness, Fonzie used the term in response to my post where I used it. It was a reference to people' hand wringing over historic slavery.
I don’t care what your interest is, whilever it’s lockdown and I’m bored it will be my only goal to come on here and highlight the hypocrisy of you, churton and the rest of the bowls club.
What!!!! They were ‘given’ something that should never have not been theirs! it’s an odd view to believe that’s some kind of ‘gift’. FFS BTW I don’t for a second believe you should feel any guilt for slavery, I’ve already posted I don’t either. But I do think you should give your a head a wobble for the sentence above.
I'm from Barnsley. So you don't disagree that slavery had a massive hand in helping Britain gain it's wealth and status in the world. Good.
You spectacularly miss the point about the wealth of the country being hugely impacted by the slave trade by assuming it was that slaves physically built our infrastructure then double down by saying that the wealth created by their sale wasn't significant. Trust me nudger I'd never want you banned off here, you make everybody else look like Einstein.
Yes - that’s the basic point. I, and the vast majority of this country should not feel any guilt about slavery - because the same group that were profiting from slavery was sending our ancestors, lads and lasses, down the pit at 5 year old. And we shouldn’t forget that.
The hypocrisy of those against racism. The shame of it. I come clean. I have a problem. I don't like racists.
i've gone back to the early 1500's on ancestry and my ancestors were all working class(miners like myself, nail makers,blacksmiths,quarrymen etc) and i see no evidence whatsoever that any of them owned a slave the ***** that owned the slaves also owned the indigenous working class in the country