Of a police office in London being attacked by a group of BAME men (not sure if that is the correct term) but strangely nothing mentioned on the major news channels Video was from a retired police office on Twitter by the name of Norman Brennan Not sure when it’s from
I think the news channels have to check authenticity before broadcasting. Sometimes need more than one source.
The video I saw looked like two officers struggling to arrest someone with others stood around . To say it was an attack by people on Officers looks a bit wide of the mark , if it’s the same video
This one? If it's a real attack on police then I'll be the first to condemn those involved but I'll be honest, it looks a bit weird...
I've watched the videos. It looks as though the copper tries to bring the bloke to the floor, but the bloke resists and ends up in a better position (if it was MMA) when on the ground. They struggle a bit, he calls for backup, others arrive on the scene, one with a bat, one on a bike, an idiot taking a selfie. One of them kicks the copper in the head. A female copper shows up and isn't very helpful at all. Then it ends. Based on that, and without any info regards the circumstances, I found it appalling to see a bloke doing his job (I presume) violently kicked in the head and I would expect the scumbag doing the kicking to be locked away for a very long time. It's a terrible glimpse at reality right now. EDIT: I saw a different video of the same event. The one posted further up shows more of what happened after the video I saw.
I'm sure the perpetrators will be identified. Luckily it wasnt any worse. Don't all officers have body cams now? It's a thankless task being a police officer, paramedic, fire officer thanks to some sections of society. I'd like to think the vast majority of the country do appreciate their efforts though
I think that whether it happened or whether it didn't, it definitely, definitely evens the scores. Slavery, police brutality, racism and asymmetrical opportunities et al are officially cancelled out because of this one event.
Society today is madness. First thing anyone does is pull their phones out and start recording instead of trying to calm the situation that's getting out of control.
Even NHS reception staff are fair game Helen. I've never been physically abused but have had plenty of verbals down the years.
I have a friend who used to do security at pubs / nightclubs . Now works at a hospital doing exactly the same thing . Tells you all you need to know .
I'm pretty sure you can criticise individuals whilst still supporting a movement. The people in this video are vile, but the BLM movement is not. I'm surprised the OP hasn't said one of them is Corbyn under a mask.
I think the government should send a short text out to every phone in the country saying “Unless you are an official American citizen, YOU ARE NOT AMERICAN”
If all coppers swung the baton like that officer, Orgreave might have turned out a bit better than it did!
I’ll just leave this here, feel free to have a look yourselves. UKBLM want to abolish the police in this country, really