Anthony Joshua

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by Dolantyke, Jun 6, 2020.

  1. Dja

    Django Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2013
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    The final one gives a bit of background into Fury’s manager Daniel Kinahan. Basically he’s from a family ran drug cartel responsible for at least 20 murders in the last few years which all started off when former boxer & current trainer Jamie Moore was shot by Gary Hutch of the Hutch family (another Irish crime gang) in what’s believed to be mistaken identity & Kinahan himself was the target. Instead of just murdering fellow gangsters & scumbags in retaliation he’s had innocent people murdered just because they’re friends or family of the Hutch family. Houses with woman & kids in have been petrol bombed. There’s even been two random people killed by him who were killed through mistaken identity.

    He’s got lots of fighters signed. Four of the best in Britain in Fury, Josh Taylor, Billy-Jo Saunders & Carl Frampton amongst many others. He’s a big boxing fan but it’s also believed he uses it for money laundering. He’s currently based in Dubai as it’s believed he’d be arrested in both Ireland & Spain where he used to be based.

    Most fighters such as Taylor & Frampton tend to stay quiet about him as he’s such a toxic name in Ireland but over the last couple of months lots of boxers or boxing pundits in England have started bigging him up in interviews & social media like Fury & Saunders.

    I think the stories about to blow up as quite a few Irish journalists are questioning why the British media aren’t covering it. Even the Irish leader Vadakar’s commented on it today.
  2. Dja

    Django Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Lovely family. His dad’s 11 year sentence was for gouging another mans eye out.

    His Uncle Peter who trained him for the Klitschko fight & currently trains Tyson’s cousin Hughie was a big drug dealer in the Manchester area & did a long stint in prison.
    redrum likes this.
  3. Redhelen

    Redhelen Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2018
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    You can sack a manager, a bit trickier to disassociate from your Dad. I think boxers in general come from " rougher" backgrounds, its one way to make money when you have fewer opportunities, hence more skirmishes with the law.
  4. Mis

    MiserablePontyEnder Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2012
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    Sat on my arse watching box sets
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    They tend to gloss over a few things.
  5. red

    redrum Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Yeah that's true, not sure if you have but read is book it's a pretty decent read if you havent already.
  6. MDG

    MDG Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    All I would say is I get the sentiment and protest however.. Cannot accept that it is the right time and method of protest.

    We are in the middle of a pandemic, one which in the same week it was highlighted that this virus has more sever impact on the BAME communities. Therefore standing shoulder to shoulder in a crowd of thousands up and down multiple countries just is barmy and pretty much means NoLivesMatter..

    Criminal damage, and assault of police officers (especially in this country) cannot be justified by any means, no matter how strong the feelings are on issues.

    On the statue thing. Nobody is listening to any reasoning for the statues to remain.. This is a huge bandwagon jumped on by many of the ones who just want to cause havoc, although I accept that some people will have genuine reasons for not liking their presence. Being offended is such a subjective personal issue, this whole things is getting out of control. People digging through the history books looking for reasons to complain.

    We cannot change history, things happened in the past that were acceptable in that time which are not not. It's part of the evolution of humanity. Look at some middle eastern countries, it could be argued their human rights are 100's of years behind ours and indeed those in the USA but most folk turn a blind eye to those. UK is an easy target for drilling up this mass movement, because in general we are such a tolerant country and do not like to see people suffer.

    There is another way to look at these statues. They are a reminder of what things used to be like in this country. People can see these and realise how far the country has moved on since the likes of slavery. Others will have a more positive or more negative view of most characters from our past.

    Many of the statues also represent the good these people did as well. Churchill for instance, refused to give in and surrender to the Nazis, giving this country hope and leadership during the war.

    We have even moved on to comedy again with the likes of little britain getting removed from streaming sites with this racism bandwagon in full force. Where does it stop? Only a few years ago masses of the nation loved the show and won awards etc.. We are moving down a dangerous route here. If no line is drawn we will slowly lose both freedom of speech and move towards a highly controlled big brother state where we are told what we can and can't do, watch or say on a daily basis as instructed by the state akin to the likes of North Korea.

    It's already happening on a wider level with JK Rowling being the latest victim of the PC mob rule for having her own opinion on life that differs to another group of people. Unfortunately that offends a minority so she has become a national villain. Frankly ridiculous.

    Tolerance works both ways, it is not a one way street.
    Gegenpresser likes this.
  7. churtonred

    churtonred Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2011
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    Dingle. No, really!
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