That are then getting shared by people thinking they are saying one thing when it mean the exact ******* opposite is making my **** itch.
Along with ‘I’m not a racist, but every time we have a race discussion I’m going to bring up grooming gangs’.
What boils my pyss is the policing of our conversations and the unwise attending of these demonstrations by those ( consciously or unconsciously) seeking social accomplishment. Call out racism where it occurs, but please stop using the term to suppress those who disagree with recent events. It’s becoming rather like the hysteria whipped up by latter day witch hunters who’d rush from place to place accusing innocent old ladies based on mob rule.
The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history. Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood. Who controls the past controls the future. George Orwell. Sithi
My post hasn’t got anything to do with recent events so I’m not sure what tangent you’ve just gone off on.
Merely quoting Orwell, thought it was also relevant in the current nut job environment, taking down statues, erasing history.
But what if the history being taught is sugar coated and not the full warts entire truth? Hans Christian Andersen would have been proud of the way some parts of our past were presented in schools during the 80s. If we're not careful history books in 100 years will state that Dominic Cummings went for an eye test in Barnard's Castle in March 2020. That it was lawful and the right thing to do at the time. That the people of Britain checked their eyesight before seeing an optician by driving a vehicle for 50 miles.
Daughter showed me some posts on facebook last night where some young lass, full of fire and brimstone, had declared that we should campaign for the removal of the town hall war memorial as Barnsley should be ashamed that it didn't reflect the diversity of our armed forces in both world wars. Jesus Wept.
This is where proper education is needed, kids need to know that there are memorials. However kids like some adults turn to films and dramas for their history fix. Most dramatisations of the two wars don't reflect the true mix of nationalities, ethnic backgrounds and religions fighting together.
That’s far enough, but educate not eradicate History. IMO Dominic Cummings won’t be remembered in 100yrs, if he is, it will be for Brexit not Barnard Castlegate.
I quite like this particular quote (not Orwell)... Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity where some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for what they themselves are doing today.
Prior to the new 'red-brick' universities of the 60s our taught history was standard. But boom then along came the revisionists . So our standard view of history was challenged and rightly turned upside down by the revisionist historians. One-eyed history disappeared a long time ago thankfully as it has been more than successfully challenged. What we see now however is an often ignorant interpretation of history by those with an agenda.