What you have described there is an out an out racist. Anyone who shouts black ******* at any black person is an out and out racist. Our black players don't hear the comment and think "it's ok, it's not aimed at me"
I dream in programming languages all the time. It normally leads to me waking up in the middle of the night and working. You wouldn’t believe how many problems I’ve solved in my sleep. We’re a strange breed, programmers.
No I can't as it's a nigh on impossible task, however I can point out that the loan to compensate the slave owners at the time equated to 5% of the UK's GDP. (https://www.taxjustice.net/2020/06/...5heWFMO6saF_qrX0aZMr-0S7Zo1ML6o6BB467pTQCARfI)
My mate is married to a Chilean lady. Spanish is spoken in his house (unless there are visitors who don't speak it). His child is bilingual and always has been.
Very rare I press the like button. I’ve asked Gally if there is any chance of having a hate button. I think that would be nice.
Can't be bothered to read through 10 pages of this. But isn't it kind of the point that... A) The British ruling class elite exploited African slaves to create their wealth B) The British ruling class elite exploited the white British working class to create their wealth Ergo... C) The modern black and white communities of ordinary people should be allied and united in opposition to the continuing inequalities of a ruling elite who genuinely did profit from ancestral wealth of colonialism and continue to exploit us? They must laugh their cocks off at plebs all in the same lot bickering with each other while they sit back and harvest the power and control
I know we’ve slipped off topic a bit from the OP, and I know things are a bit different in that there’s no football at the moment, but just to put a bit of perspective on the subject and some responses. On the 5th July last year, 2019. a gang which ran a group of around 400 slaves was jailed for 28 years in this country. On the 5th & 6th of July there was not one mention of the case on this forum,, not one.