Brexit: UK backtracks on full EU border checks amid coronavirus crisis I wonder what exactly they voted for.....
Can't give the economy another kick in the teeth in the year of a nasty recession. Best thing about lockdown has been not thinking about Brexit - almost forgot about it! It's bummbed me out again the second it's reared it's head. What a shambles.
It was always a mess, but this stance from the British government over fishing quotas really made me shake my head. From the BBC: "Then there is fishing: the UK would like full access to the EU market to sell its fish there, but in return the EU wants full access for its boats to fish in UK waters. British negotiators say that's not possible because the UK is now an independent coastal state." What chance do they think there is of say France agreeing to that? We'll keep all our waters exclusively for us, but expect 27 EU countries to buy our product, and in return you get ....nothing They will just say "good luck with selling your catch ain't coming to the EU, just give Trump a call, he'll buy it all" Great negotiating
I’ve been wondering about this for a while. Since the vote I haven’t heard one good reason to leave the EU. A lot of bluster and deflection, but nothing in concrete. Could it be that the few who will profit from brexit actually liked much of running of the union, but a few little things in the rule book stopped their money making ambitions. So, they promised great benefits to UK (without saying what they were), brought jingoism into the debate and slogans,,, Brexit means Brexit,, get brexit done!, and on it goes. After winning the vote, set about watering down all the promises made, take back control, NI border that NO Britain government could ever agree to, £3.6 million to NHS etc etc. Today we here border control is being slackened. This stops when much of watering down is done,,, except for the rules that limit the amount of money they make. What part of the brexit people voted for is still on the table? Do brexit voters have anything left to cling to? Will anyone have the bottle to admit they’ve been had? So I really hope I’m wrong for the sake of my kids and grandkids,,,,,, and my country,, but Jeez, it’s not looking good.
Fish portions in a chippy, pub or restaurant are getting smaller and yet going up in price. It's barely value for money these days. Thing is if we had full control of our water so our own fisherman can catch way more than usual as it's just them being allowed to, will fish become cheaper to buy and the portions get bigger again? Doubt it.
The Brexit bunch will never admit they were wrong they'll just blame the EU and drive the UK over the cliff. Apparently Johnson had it explained to him in great detail what additional damage to the economy a no deal Brexit on 31/12/20 will do on top of the damage caused by Covid 19. His reaction was to curse and carry on with his no deal brexit planning, because that's what his paymasters want. They couldn't give a **** what damage they will do to the wider economy just as long as they make a massive profit out of everybody else's misery and the knuckle draggers will lap up the lies that it's all down to the EU.
My thoughts are no. As far as I know, most of the fish caught in uk waters goes to Europe and the fish we like, cod and haddock for instance come from further afield,,, way up north.
That report relates to trade though. I thought most Brexit supporters were more bothered about immigration? Plus, surely a good thing to do, as there was concern over a shortage of goods/medicines coming in to the Uk due to the delays getting in to the country for all the extra checks. This will be alleviated, in the short term anyway, if checks don’t differ much to what they do now.
Exactly. So if only British fisherman have control of British water then the British consumer won't benefit from it anyway by better value for money by getting fish cheaper or for current prices portion sizes increasing.
Not quite as simple as that....the EU wants unfettered access as before ....UK Govt wants it to be based on acceptance of UK Sovereignty but are prepared to offer licenses to fish.
Is that the licences to fish that were already sold off? Are the government planning to compensate the holders of those licences?
I wonder if British skippers will still be able to sell their quotas (I assume there will be quotas for conservation) to EU fishermen as has happened in the past. If they are allowed, I just hope they don’t carry on accusing the EU of stealing British fish.
Not a question I can answer tbh, but those licences were issued under EU rules and regulations and quotas based on the fact that all participants were in the EU.
Whats up Pompey, fed up of calling everyone who doesn't agree with you a Racist? Thought you'd move onto Brexit, stir some more S.hit up?
the common market was a trading block that morphed into a political union, a union that was denied during the 1975 referendum.Had the common market remained just that then i seriously doubt there would ever have been brexit. you do not need a political union to trade with other countries,you probably dont agree with this but its a fact,we trade all over the world and this political union was the only one we encountered. Does Vietnam concede territorial waters to eu countries so that it can sell white fish to them?
i'd hazzard a guess that, unless there is a serious trade war between the uk and the eu, then checks on goods arriving from the eu will remain the same as they've been for the past 20 odd years. customs checks on goods and immigration are two seperate issues and brexit supporters who were concerned about immgration were not bothered about the passage of goods.
If you still believe the EU is the biggest influence on our fishing quotas you’ve been seriously distracted about the state of the worlds oceans for 20 years. and the fish at our local chippy are big enough for us to have 1 portion of F&C between 2 adults (don’t even need a ‘large’ chips.
You don’t need the EU to make fishing waters a problem, just look at any ‘land’ that has other land within a few hundred miles and you find disputes about fishing and mineral rights. Our disagreements with our neighbours over fishing pre date the EU and will continue when we leave. A much more important issue being that the British aren’t consumers of most of the fish we are surrounded by. The U.K. fishing industry needs our European neighbours as customers.