Boris states never forget our pasts......ok Boris you big racist, misogynist, who threatens people with violence when exposed (also hides in fridges). Feel free everyone to add to Boris' historical achievements and children born by way of affairs etc.
We may well have signed peace terms with the Nazis if they hadn't overreached and gone into Russia - without the losses on the Eastern Front (~80% of German forces) we wouldn't have the strength to invade without losing a *lot* more men - probably into the millions. At the same time, Germany didn't have the naval power to invade the UK, so probably some kind of stalemate - with Germany keeping most of Europe. Churchill took power after the Norway campaign - which was a mess of his own making - ousting Chamberlain who had tried to appease Hitler so that the UK could build up its armed forces ready for the forthcoming conflict.
I see he's saying that people shouldn't go to anti racism demonstrations. Fair enough. It's a pity he wasn't saying the same thing about the f***ing Cheltenham Festival!
The biggest problem with the Churchill statue is the plinth isn’t big enough. He brought the country together during the war, but that aside, how are you expected to write racist, elitist, anti union, anti working class, drunken,,,etc etc on a plinth that size with an aerosol?
Did Cheltenham Festival happen whilst we were supposed to be in lockdown / social distancing? I honestly can't remember now all days have merged into one.. Here’s real censorship and erasing of history.
Censorship probably yes. Standard in politics today I'd say.. Defo not erasing history though, unless the media are suddenly going to surprise the nation breaking a story that Dominic Cummings broke lockdown rules.. Think that one is still firmly in history seen as it was the only thing on the news for best part of a month.. folk talk about rabbit holes, that ones was dug by a huge frickin rabbit.. Another reason for the dead cat Churchill non story.
It was the week before the official lockdown when many companies had already started bringing it in - coincidentally, it ended on March 19th as Johnson announced that we should stay home and half of the country went to the pub, the coast then visited granny. It was also the week after the baby shower he arranged for Carrie... and after English football stopped.
The difference being that anti-racism demonstrations weren’t making significant donations to the Tory party.