Sorry, my fault; I had the sprinkler on in the garden a couple of weeks ago, it hasn't stopped raining since.
He did that when I saw him in Dublin. P155ed it down all day then the sun came out in the opening riffs. Was all over YouTube back in the day, RDS Arena
Decent album track but lost it's appeal years ago when it became the excuse for pushy parents to force their offspring onstage to sing with Broooce...just became boring...
I’m surprised this isn’t played more considering the current it’s a helluva song. This song is about Amadou Diallo, a Guinean immigrant who was killed in his New York City doorway when New York City police shot at him 41 times after mistaking his wallet for a gun. Springsteen felt the shooting was an egregious over-reaction by the police, who killed an innocent man.