Don't tell anyone but I'm going to watch my Black and White Minstrel Show videos tonight. I love that deep south singing. One thing though, I could never understand why real black men would want to paint their lips white. Was this a pre-runner to racial stereotyping.
All this does is dilute the actual message of the BLM movement and waters it down into something that it shouldn't be. Now instead of thinking about BLM and how people can educate themselves and learn about the difficulties that BAME have encountered throughout their lives you just get people focussing on idiotic decisions like this one, or the 65 year old bloke guarding Baden Powell with his ski poles.
Not quite for me - In my view its "The Psychaitrist" (Though there is inappropriate sexism racism sexual assault - the whole works in there)
Comes back to what I posted in another thread... the inability these days of some people to distinguish between comedy involving racist/misogynist or sexist content (usually ironic) used as a tool AGAINST racism/misogyny or sexism and comedy simply containing that content without any purpose usually due to attitudes prevalent at the time. Life of Brian was considered blasphemous by people who had not even seen it (Cleese and Palin were involved in a famous TV argument with an Archbishop and Malcolm Muggeridge (a so called 'intellectual') who claimed it ridiculed Christ in spite of the opening scene (sermon on the Mount) making it clear Brian was a completely different character and it was a parody on 'religion' rather than faith). Cleese got so exasperated that he said "have you actually SEEN the film" which the response started with " No but I don't have to....." More recently a black American comic Reginald D Hunter was lambasted (at an FA 'bash' ), again as he uses racial humour as a tool to lampoon racist attitudes. The footballers and FA entirely missed the point (and the irony of a black American using the 'N' word and the fact they should have known what they were getting when they booked him! The press had a field day as did the 'offended by proxy' brigade.
It was called Communication Problems Contains one of the best exchanges Mrs Richards: When I pay for a view, I expect something more interesting than that. Basil: But that is Torquay, madam. Mrs Richards: Well it’s not good enough. Basil: Well may I ask what you expected to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House perhaps? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically… Mrs Richards: Don’t be silly. I expect to be able to see the sea. Basil: You can see the sea! It’s over there between the land and the sky! Mrs Richards: I’d need a telescope to see that. Basil: Well might I suggest you move to a hotel closer to the sea. Or preferably in it.
Yes it was, because of the n word being used. Netflix have been showing the original episode not the edited version - and this one is still available
OK thread needs cheering up, and as we were talking about Mrs Richards (Joan Sanderson), I had to post this none offensive, very funny clip
It is so well observed, written, and acted. In my work, I see people like this all the time - and ultimately through all the faults and nit picking people find, a discount (Suggested by the customer) always seems to fix these small imperfections.
Back on topic, drama over - or is nobody bothered now ? In addition this has been shown to me, and I feel something like this is better than editing the original (other than perhaps the odd beep over certain language)