Barnsley FC/BFCST Live Q&A Video with Reds' CEO Dane Murphy. Free to Watch.

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by Newsbot, Jun 12, 2020.

  1. Newsbot

    Newsbot Well-Known Member

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    Q&A | Dane Murphy
    Club News

    In a collaborative event with the Barnsley FC Supporters Trust, we have an hour-long interview with Reds' CEO, Dane Murphy over on iFollow Barnsley and free for all supporters to view.

    Continue reading on the official site...
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  2. dreamboy3000

    dreamboy3000 Well-Known Member

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    That was a good watch so thank you to all involved. Bringing in a salary cap wouldn't directly affect us anyway because we are sensible. It sounds promising to have some fans back quite early on next season. Dane was honest enough to say the 'investment group' hasn't put in any additional funds of their own.
  3. BrunNer

    BrunNer Well-Known Member

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    For what it's worth (I thought there would be more comments on this post), I remain unconvinced that the operating model we've chosen for the club is the correct one but I thought Dane came across pretty well through this. Fair play to the guy for taking part and being subject to some difficult questions.
  4. Loko the Tyke

    Loko the Tyke Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 4, 2005
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    Not sure if this got lost a little with it being an automated post from the 'newsbot'.

    We spent an hour with Reds' CEO Dane Murphy and put forward all the questions that came through to us or the club via Social Media, E-Mail, or here on the BBS.

    I'm sure there will be differing views on some of the answers, but credit to the club for working with us on putting this together and creating the platform for supporters to be heard.

    The video is free to watch on iFollow.
  5. Loko the Tyke

    Loko the Tyke Administrator Staff Member Admin

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    Was expecting more comments too (although it is a one hour video so maybe people haven't gotten round to watching it yet).

    I just re-posted it without the 'newsbot' title to make it more obvious and merged the posts from you and Dreamboy in to that one thread.
  6. Dys

    Dyson Well-Known Member

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    I'm half way through it - well done to you & Gally mate. He fronts up - can't fault that.
  7. nezbfc

    nezbfc Well-Known Member

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    I watched it earlier and cant really fault how he came across or what was said to be honest.

    The query on using funds for entire length of a contract is answered. And to be fair, I fell into the trap of forgetting money comes in in stages and goes out in stages. So basically its longer term budgeting. I get that. It was a short but succinct answer, and he confirmed the statement he made previously about using the funds to cover an entire contract. I still cant help but feel we should still be in the driving seat with any further sales though. Rather than bending over like previously.

    Time will tell...
  8. Kex

    KexbroughRed Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2012
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    I watched it earlier and it is a good watch and I would encourage everyone to spend an hour watching it if they can. Dane answers the questions as honestly as possible and also admits to his mistakes regarding lack of communication in the past. I always have respect for someone who can admit to their mistakes in preference to continuing to apply spin to the situation.

    There is a lot of content covered during the hour and there are some encouraging points made regarding a possible timeline for fans being allowed back at Oakwell. If you are anything like me then that's a day that we are all really looking forward to, just as soon as it is safe to do so.

    I have my serious doubts regarding the long term intentions of the owners and this interview didn't make me reconsider those doubts, however as I mention above the honesty in which Dane answered some tricky questions was without a doubt a step in the right direction.

    Big thanks as always to Ben and Gally for the excellent interviewing skills. You guys really are a credit to the club and the town and like many have others have already said, the output you have produced for us all through the supporters trust during lockdown has been a pleasure to watch.
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  9. SuperTyke

    SuperTyke Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2005
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    I'm really disappointed that when asked what happens to fans who buy season tickets if a large portion of the season is behind closed doors Dane basically said 'we haven't decided yet'. I'm sorry but you are asking me to commit a large amount of money up front. The least you can do is make a decision before I hand over my cash about what happens if that product doesn't happen.
    Really understand how hard it is on the club and how they are victims here too but when you ask someone to hand over a large amount of money in advance I think it's only reasonable to tell those people what guarantee they have for if things go tits up. You wouldn't go into an electronics shop and buy a TV if the shop says 'it doesn't come with a guarantee but if it breaks we'll look into considering one then maybe.'

    On the flip side I was really pleased with the answer to what guarantee they have that the benefits for season ticket holders will be delivered. The change to physical benefits in order to make it more deliverable is good to hear and the confidence with which they made those promises is extremely reassuring.

    Again really disappointed that the owners haven't put a penny in to the club during this period. It's THEIR company but instead of THEM putting in a loan for cash flow they ask US to put money in to aid the cash flow. Shows exactly how the where view the BUSINESS and how little they care about the FOOTBALL CLUB.

    I DID like the way he just fronted up and said if we are relegated it is a failure not just on the field but all over. Accepting responsibility and showing a human side.

    Again a really clear and honest straightforward answer about money being taken by owners and who pays for their travel to and from games.

    £337k to three directors. One is involved with scouting and analysis so I would guess that's James Cryne? One was Paul Conway and another? Would Ganaye be the previous CEO and Conway be the interim CEO? And would that mean that Ganaye was a director but Dane isn't? Or is it just the timing means he's not included? Also isn't Robert Zuk a director? Surely he is paid? Anyone have any more info on that?

    A big well done to everyone on asking as many questions as possible, not rewarding questions and for videoing the lot. This is imo much much better than the meetings where we only get someone else's interpretation of what was said. Instead we heard first hand exactly what said and can draw our own conclusions. It would be great if this was possible every time going forward even if parts of the recording are redacted or edited to protect the club and the speaker.

    One thing I will say is that regardless of whether the answers are good enough or not or anything else it has to be said that I think Dane is extremely honest and I don't think there was a single point during the entire hour where I thought he was lying or hiding the truth. That's something that hasn't happened for quite a long time.
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  10. Men

    Menai Tyke Well-Known Member

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    Be interesting to see if this is anyone sales idea that falls by the wayside once the season ends.
  11. Abruzzo Red

    Abruzzo Red Well-Known Member

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    A very good watch and Dane and the rest of the team came across well. Nice to get an update from the club and felt it was a honest interview. Cheers for this Loko, the work you are doing to get these interviews to us is really appreciated.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2020
  12. Gimson&theBarnsleys

    Gimson&theBarnsleys Well-Known Member

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    He did say, "if you can't afford it then don't buy" (or words to that effect). Obviously they need the income but can't guarantee what you'll get for it in these uncertain times.
  13. YT

    YT Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2020
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    We can’t tell you what we as a club do not know. As of right now, we have not been given 100% clarity on what next season looks like, should it go ahead initially without fans in attendance.

    But as Dane referred to, the optimistic view is that there will be some kind of return to stadia by October. And, I think it’s safe to assume that next season won’t be starting in August as normal. So with a positive outlook, perhaps season ticket holders will only be unable to attend just a couple of early fixtures?

    Also, the streaming of the remaining nine fixtures of this season should be a clue as to the ‘likely’ option should 2020/21 begin behind closed doors. However, as of right now, this has not been confirmed to us therefore it is mere conjecture on my part.

    So I think you’re being unfair on that particular topic. Season ticket holders are able to get a refund for the games they can’t attend this season, a code to watch those games from home, and to watch games away. If that isn’t a sign that the club will look out for supporters, I don’t know what is.

    Regards your remark on the club asking fans to put money in to aid cash flow, I can only point out that we do this every year - release season ticket details. It’s an annual occurrence but as Dane says, any income is important now more than ever, owing to three months of zero income. We have the cheapest tickets in the division. Some clubs are charging double our pricing. So again, I’m unsure what more the club could do?

    You refer to the owner putting money in, and I think Dane covered that in great detail and you’ve only focused on a singular part of that topic. My input isn’t necessary there.

    I am happy to see that - even from such a cynical, harsh critic - that our genuine attempts over the last six months to improve communication and fan engagement is being appreciated and I can promise you it will always be like that while ever the current front office staff are in situ.

    Thanks for the feedback. It’s all useful.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2020
  14. Sim

    Simon De Montforte Well-Known Member

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    Just watched it and it made me feel a lot more enthusiastic about the club and Dane as a CEO. He came across as honest, knowledgeable and erudite which in hindsight would have served him well when the club was getting flak over lack of communication. He admitted his mistakes and to learning a valuable lesson. He's gone way up in my estimation and convinced me to renew for next season irrespective of what division we start off in.
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  15. SuperTyke

    SuperTyke Well-Known Member

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    I don't think the club as in anyone who works at Oakwell could have done anything more. I do think the owners could have done a lot more though because frankly they've done nothing imo. If cash flow is an issue then as billionaires they could have put in a loan. I know you can't really comment on that.

    On the other point of them not saying what would happen if we can't attend many games I understand everything is up in the air but surely a decision could still be made as to what refund etc would be available if x amount of games are unable to be attended. That doesn't mean they have to guess the future or anything it just means saying if certain scenarios happen then they will do something. For example they could say that if 50% if fans are not allowed to attend the first 12 games of the season they will get £100 refund or £100 credited to their account for use on future tickets. No need to be psychic but it does give worried fans a sense of certainty that their cash isn't being thrown away.

    Aside from those two issues, I thought most of the answers he gave were positive. I really really liked that lessons had been learned from last year's over promising on season ticket benefits and that led to a change in what was offered this year. Learning from mistakes is key and that shows that those within the club are willing to do just that, something that as you know we've been unwilling to do in years gone by.

    Your comment about me appreciating the improvement in the last six months was interesting. I appreciate Dane's recent efforts but I actually think that in other areas we've been improving communication wise for a few years now, it's just generally not involved those highest up.
  16. RC_

    RC_tyke Well-Known Member

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    Just watched it now.

    Very honest, open and impressive. Of course, I’m biased towards us and always want to see the best in anyone connected to the club but I’ve got to say that every time I hear Dane, he impresses me.

    A well done to all involved in the interview.

    Side note, I renewed my season ticket earlier this evening. Let’s hope it’s not too long until we’re all back in Oakwell.
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  17. SuperTyke

    SuperTyke Well-Known Member

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    First time I've heard him I think. Seen a few interviews and been told what he's said from meetings but if you ask me he should definitely do more of this kind of thing because his honesty and genuineness comes across much more when you can hear and see him.
  18. YT

    YT Well-Known Member

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    We can always do more, you just need the right people and a solidarity amongst them to deliver.

    I'm pretty sure the club hasn't ever spoken about the wealth of any individual at the club.

    And I can only reiterate my earlier point - we do not know the 'look' of next season and are therefore unable to give true/clear/factual guidance at 'this' stage. As soon as we are able, we will. It is - in my humble opinion - absolute folly to ignore governing bodies and make decisions on potential scenarios. But as I said, there are clues there regards the possibilities. You've been offered a refund AND free codes to watch the games.

    But yes, conjecture and not outlined, definitive plans.

    I hope that by late September, early October, we have opened up the world to sporting events and large gatherings and thus it isn't a huge issue. Without coming over all negative, because I like to think I see things in a sunnier fashion than most, I genuinely fear for football clubs if worst case scenario hits, and we play out the year with no supporters. I imagine we'd somehow ride it out, but there'd be huge issues. For many L1 and L2 clubs? Goodnight, Irene.

    And we might well be in L1 next season. A betting man would say so. So let's hope Gerhard gets these players firing and we can get at least 8 points more than Luton, Charlton and Hull out of the last nine fixtures.
    Connor, Redhelen and SuperTyke like this.
  19. RC_

    RC_tyke Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Agreed. It definitely adds something when you can see him sat there answering.

    Ben and the supporters trust has certainly delivered with the many interviews they’ve done during these few months so it would be good to build on this and be connected with the club directly, like has been done here.
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  20. Redhelen

    Redhelen Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2018
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    Tbh I'm not really one for gimmicks re.season tickets, I'm not bothered about shirts I just want them to be affordable as possible. I can't even remember what we were promised last season.
    • Thanks to everyone for organising it, looks like there are some green shoots showing as regards to a return to Oakwell.

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