I knew Barry a fair bit younger than me I can not remember him being a fitter though knew his father Les better.
Loved the Yorkshire Miners gala’s especially when they were held in Tarn. All those pits and it seemed every other pit had a Brass band., great festival of music with the marching and then onto Locke Park.
Went to em all , Apart from Tarn Rotherham was one of my favourites . Can’t help thinking we never had a home for Yorkshire miners Gala by keep changing between Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Wakefield and if we had kept a home even if it had been York then it would still be going today as the Durham one . The Yorkshire Miners Gala was the one to be in it was bigger than the Durham one but we never had a permanent home and that was its downfall imo .
Did the call thi father Ronnie and he played the piano not going to say his last name as it would be breaking the rules could be wrong as I mostly am.
Not sure about York, but I doubt you’d have a got an agreement anyway as all those places you mentioned had big mining communities
Wakefield was the rallying call for Orgreave by Scargill , following Monday was the battle of Orgreave .
I only went to one. Rotherham - in 1985 (?) I remember being very impressed by one of the speakers. Guess who?