Wouldn’t have got an agreement as you say but Durham was as diverse as Yorkshire and it was encompassed by Northumberland Miners who swelled the ranks plus it was very Catholic and the Cathedrals blessing of the banners was important to them .
A young slim built well dressed lad got up on the stage called Tony Blair. Gave a brilliant speech. And as a NUM official I was singing his praises on the bus back home - telling everybody that we need more in the Labour Party like him - he looks a born winner to me. Left wingers on the bus - especially Neil Parry - were telling me to shut up, we don’t need people like him. Three GE victories later and the best PM (by a country mile) in my lifetime - I was proved right.
Think thats a matter of opinion. In comparison to Boris n Teresa you could have a point. My ideal leaders are Tony Benn and Dennis skinner but thats just an opinion again.
Think thats a matter of opinion. In comparison to Boris n Teresa you could have a point. My ideal leaders are Tony Benn and Dennis skinner but thats just an opinion again.
YES, As I said earlier I’ve been to most since early seventies . Dennis Skinner was at the Barnsley one in 1975 after the Houghton Main disaster and got a standing ovation along with Scargill . There would be no enthusiasm for Blair at a turbo charged Rotherham Gala as well you know. The Rotherham Gala was full of miners testosterone after the defeat and loads of colleagues still sacked . Blair’s form of socialism wouldn’t have gone down well at all with the other speakers or the crowd . So it’s imo he was the original Tony Blair and told the crowd what they wanted to hear .
No - it probably didn’t go down well. It definitely didn’t go down well with those on the bus home. But they couldn’t see further than their nose. Hence all the shi.te the Labour Party has been wading through as late. Kier Starmer has made a decent start - but he’s got to gain back the trust of those Leavers he dissed over Brexit. And there’s millions of us.
I would imagine as an undercard most would have taken the opportunity to go for a piss or a pint or whatever while he was blabbering . Even so I very much doubt he would have spoke his true (even if they were at that stage ) politics . Even you must admit that the Rotherham Gala after the strike was one of the most potent and turbo charged I’ve ever been to and that includes the Wakefield 84 One ? Blair won’t have spoke the same politics at that meet as he did in his selection or pm campaign never in a million years and I’m not having it that he did and you from then hence we’re his desciple . Not in a million years .
I never worked at pit but have total respect for all who did. My dad and three brothers all worked in the mines. I went down darfield main on school leavers trip, on coming out i said that it was not for me. Glad i didn't but respect to them that did