As a family we purchase six season tickets. Discussing the renewal with one of my sons this morning, we were questioning what would happen if some League One and Two clubs decided that they could not operate financially without gate income, but the ‘science’ was still insisting that it was too early to allow people to attend. Is it at all conceivable that next season might not happen, other than for the top two divisions? If so, could the lower divisions continue to exist as professional entities? I know I’m simply thinking out loud, because the reality is that my guess is only as good as anyone else’s, but the more I think about this the more concerned I feel (although I do appreciate it’s only football after all).
Ian Holloway at Grimsby basically said they might have a year off. There’s no point anyone from L1 And below playing without fans, just isn’t sustainable
I can definitely see a scenario where League 1 & 2 and below are suspended until further notice. I hope not, I hope that it would be means tested and clubs would get financial support from the FA etc
so if or when we go down we could end up without next season. I think that could do us vast damages too.
who knows. Next season isn’t just going to start in August/September with everything just being back to normal is it
Clubs can't be allowed to decide they don't want to play. Any team not wanting to play should be replaced.
So if there are clubs that cannot afford to play behind closed doors where do we go from there when such as us sunderland ipswich peterboro etc want to play.The league have just voted unanimously to cancel and have pts per game but there will be no pts if games arent played.So if there is no football next season how is promotion goin to be decided because as we have been told there has got to be promotion and relegation its a must.Probably wednesday,derby n birmingham will be in bottom 3 next year and relgation scrapped
Can’t see how all Div 1 and 2 club’s can afford to pay for covid testing on a weekly basis that’s gonna be a major issue.
Possibly a scaled-down league where clubs play each other 4 times? Or a combined League One and Two of clubs with the wherewithal to continue?
I know this is a callous question, but if there is no league what happens to the season ticket money? Credit card company as ultimate guarantor?
I think you can take the cost of testing out of the equation as I think it won't be a requirement by then. All clubs should have quite a few players out of contract. For example Accrington have I think 14 players out of contract. Surely it is then their responsibility to only sign players they can afford and if they can't afford to then they play their academy players. Isn't there a big difference between a club not being able to afford to play now and not being able to budget for a worst case scenario when contracts run out in a few weeks?
Interesting article on how ex employees of the FA want to get shut of the old brigade at the top basically calling em inept. Allowing the PL and EFL freedom to do what they want.
I suppose there is a big difference, yes, but not enough of a difference to get clubs like Accrington back on the field. Without a financial intervention from the Premier League or government I don’t see how there’ll be a proper League One next year. Possibly if clubs like us, Pompey etc wanted to play and the rest was made up from teams with generous owners like Salford it could happen but you’re then into restructuring all the leagues based on who can/can’t afford to play. Whatever way you look at it it’s going to be a mess and I think it would be massively unfair to relegate anyone to a League that doesn’t properly exist.
There is inconsistency here where the EFL have determined that there will be no relegation from League 2 should the National League not be up and running next year. Follow this through to the Championship shouldn"t your principles remain the same?