The man made the money he gave away by trading the lives of black people into slavery. The statue and others like it deserve their place in a museum where they can be studied in historial contaxt but when should not be displayed in public as statues which are supposed to represent "the best of us". If that's the best we can do to celebrate in our history, then we have issues....
I’m genuinely interested why anyone who isn’t right wing would choose to go today? Was there a memorial or was it just because it needed “protecting”?
I thought you were better than this. You did your bit? What on earth were you protecting? Not a chance I buy your fanzine again.
Explain why you have no issues with someone breaking the law and causing criminal damage? You are saying if it is something you believe in it is justifiable, which then makes the world we live in an lawful place and people can justify any criminal action with ‘ I didn’t agree‘. The actions of this for me actually detracts from the message that BLM etc are trying to achieve.
I'm not right wing. I have no political allegiance of any type. Im just me. A decent hardworking blowk who wishes no harm on anyone. I wasn't there 'protecting' anything. I'm a loyal and thoughtful individual. Things are happening that I disagree with at the moment. People may chose to oppose fix hunting etc etc .I admire folk who stand up for what they believe in and have the balls to do it. I've direct relations who's names are on similar monuments throughout the country and I'd be devestated if they were damaged as I'm sure you would be if your relations or friends headstone was. I'm not saying it was going to happen in town it was my symbolic way of showing my respects to people who can no longer sacrifice as they've already done it.
but you surely could have done that yesterday, or tomorrow? I’m struggling to see how anyone could think standing outside a monument today wouldn’t be seen as supporting a right wing message. I’ve no problem with standing up for what you believe in, I’m a massive fan of that but I’m genuinely at a loss here you say nothing was going to happen in town, what were you expecting? what would have happened if it did? I’m sure you’ve seen the news, I’ve not seen ah Tommehs messages but the lot in London weren’t exchanging knitting tips
I think the fact that you were there with the charming racist tweeter that Clark Oduor highlighted last week sums it up. Inanimate objects dont need protecting.
Crikey........ I wasn't expecting that ?!? I wasn't protecting anything. See my other reply to another comment. Better than this ???? I went alone, stood and watched our towns war memorial. The same memorial I visit every year to pay my respects for people's sacrifices . The same people I spend 100s of hours raising money through the fanzine you'll no longer be purchasing for charities such as Help For Homeless Veterans which some of the organisers were there today . I never chanted, sung, shouted as did the other people there. No violence, no intimidation, no ulterior motive. Just showing solidarity to what is happening all around us. I'll Bob 2 quid in for the next issue for you and give it to one of the folk who can't spare it cos that's the thoughtful and respectful person I am.
I've absolutely no idea who he is. I went off my own back with my own views . If my cousin is a burglar that doesn't mean I'll rob your house.
But if you're hanging around my house with him dressed in a balaclava and a toolkit most people would assume you were!
I only knew a few. Not one of them could be catagorised as that. If so I would have walked away . I went for my own reasons as I've explained in other replies. Like I've said plenty of people on here know me personally and have for donkeys years. Racist or political I'm not, far from the truth. I went for my own reasons as I've a mind of my own and intelligent enough to recognise right from wrong.
But if you knew me and had any idea of who I am and what I stand for you wouldn't. I went off my own back. I can't help who was there or what their thoughts, beliefs or intensions were. I hope you don't get branded as a hooligan the next time you're in an away end and it kicks off .
I've no solidarity with him, how the hell have you come up with that ?;? Christ this is becoming ridiculous....... You're out of order with that one. I've explained my thoughts, beliefs and I'd hope that'd be sufficient. I'd ask admin to remove your post but I won't. I hope people will read it and realise actually who the better person actually is.
pardon? You've no need to ask for it removed, I’m certainly not asking for it to be removed. If you weren’t aware of the rabble rousing by SYL for today’s “protection” then you've had your head in the sand. Again, what exactly were you protecting, and what would have happened if the scenes in London were replicated? They were your words not mine.
Don’t take it to heart cunning, you did nothing wrong. If people go against the wishes of a select few on here they will all attack you at once brand you as stupid/racist etc. Keep your head up.