I could go 365 days of the year. So could you. So could anyone. I'll reitterate incase I haven't said it before .I went for my own thoughts and beliefs. Nothing to do with race, religion or otherwise. I love to cherish things that mean things to me. Spend a weekend a year doing Preedys grave. Spend 100s of hours doing fanzine for charity. Helping set up Redfearns Bar in my own time so people can enjoy. I don't want a medal. It all just makes me happy. Why do folk join together on Sunday for church? Why not just go on your own? I might start going and sitting in Oakwell for 90 mins on my own. My point is, wether I was there or not earlier don't stereotype me. I'm not a sheep. I make my own decisions. And from what youve thought of me through my comments then actually you're more of the problem than I am.
that's very selfless. Before you started to play the better man card you’ll note I said I get why you might go. However id have thought to myself that standing there today for hours on end might be seen as endorsing a right wing anti protest. That might have crossed my mind when I saw who was rattling the Sabre’s to get behind this. “The football lads” aren’t a group of middle aged fellas who enjoy a kick around followed by a Cream tea are they.
Should BLM supporters stay away because some people have hijacked their cause? I was annoyed at the cenotaph being damaged and I'm left wing. Edit: You obviously didn't see the type of people who came out to defend the statue of Robert Baden-Powell in Poole.
That's the bit that's political. You don't have to accept labels or whatever, but that is a political or at least an ideological act. And as this gathering at the Town Hall only came about to counter the Black Lives Matters protests and their contestation of whether certain statues celebrate or perpetuate racist values, then whatever your motives you've chosen to participate in a demonstration that surely has to be seen in that wider context.
I should have perhaps elaborated. I referred to loyal as in my family etc. ATM I'm having a 'fight' outside of today but I've got my views and won't sway away from them. I've done nowt wrong like. I do get the point that attending could be viewed in certain ways. But I'd answer that by saying that don't stereotype folk .I could be at the scene of a murder, dunt make me guilty.
Gaz is a great bloke who never fails to inspire me with the things he's done for other people, including myself.
I knew how it would end up yesterday. I know a couple of ex soldiers who went to events yesterday for the right reasons but it was hijacked by the ******* knuckle dragging thugs who went and who had only one intention which was to kick off, fight with the police and the knuckle dragging thugs on the other side and just cause as much trouble as possible. Every one of them is a ****. Every element of this protest is now being hijacked by the thugs on the left and the right. They all want rounding up and dealing with. They are all a waste of oxygen. While I am pretty angry about the way a few thugs are stealing the argument and starting to dictate the headlines there were two images from yesterday that speak even louder than the pond life. I will try to find them and post them on here.
So this as been fuelled from America. Why didn’t the protesters do this years ago? Why now? It’s an I can’t get my own way protest so they are just copying America. As for the mob in London Yesterday ...they went too far. I understand them peacefully protecting what they believe to be looking after history but yesterday was unjustified. It was like england fans abroad all over again. Theirs too many wrongs on all sides now and it don’t look like it can be stopped as theirs no mutual ground to stop it. Yet again the far right and and far left party’s don’t help with some of the stuff they post on social media. What a mess up it is! Keep safe all!
I drove past the Town Hall last week and their looked to be about 300 ant- racist protesters. It looked peaceful and no-one was damaging the war memorial. Surely, if anyone wanted to cause damage they would’ve done it last week. Yet this week people feel they needed to go out and defend it. Nah, the thugs saw an opportunity to congregate and were hopeful of causing trouble for me.
By a tiny minority of the people against, according to the poll, the majority of the people of Bristol. What next, mobs releasing prisoners because they think they’re not guilty, smashing shops up they don’t like, persecuting minorities, burning books, razing the parliament buildings? See where I’m going with this?
You’re not allowed to attend with you’re own motives, on here if you’re not left you’re definitely right or visa versa.
That’s the point I was trying to make about my objections to the removal about where does it stop, you just put it better than me.