Democracy isn't just about the will of the majority though. It has to have in place regard to the rights/ needs of the minority.
You’re right, but that not the point I have been making. Their actions in removing it was illegal end of. If we allow people to carry out illegal activities because it suits what they want, where does it end? In terms of the specific item in question clearly the fact that previously it had been agreed to change the wording etc shows that the minority were heard, it’s just a shame beucracy stopped it.
This is the thing with me, as I’ve already posted, anti racists protesters we’re there the previous week, and if any idiot had any design to damage it, surely they would’ve done it then?
I’d have thought people who damage cenotaphs crawl out from under their stone in the dead of night, do the deed and crawl back under to the safety of their cockroach shelter!
I'll say it one last time. I'm not a sheep. I've no political leanings either way. No hatred to any creed, colour, race, religion, sexuality etc. I WASNT there to protect. I was there to pay respect as other statues are been damaged and it was for me a show of respect for the sacrifices people gave. I have no head in the sand syndrome. Far from it. I act alone and read both sides and make my own mind up. I don't try and influence anyone as I believe people should choose their own paths and not be influenced by others. it's what I've taught my lad and upto now I've not done bad. I don't stereotype, don't treat groups differently and judge everyone on their merits regardless of race, religious views, sexuality etc. I'm sure if everyone upheld my outlook on life then the world would be a far better place to live in. Just saying !
You are so far off the mark it's laughable. Banter with the police. They thanked us all when we left. No chanting, songs, women and kids there. Was a proper friendly atmosphere. Littered with ex military in their 60s and 70s and a few I did know in their middle age. Believe what you want or what you've been lead to believe.
Can you answer why a group of anti racists would even contemplate damaging a war memorial ? And use it as a meeting point? And why didnt 'the thugs' turn up then if they wanted to 'cause trouble?'
Only thing was a regiment flag that a blowk who nobody knew stood on his own with it on a flagpole. Like I've said. No chants, singing, placards etc. Police congratulated us all and wished everyone a good day .
The Far-right related groups were adopting this stance as defenders of the monuments, even though there was no threat. This was used as their rallying call. They may not have been any trouble yesterday, but I have seen names on Facebook etc that were there who are linked to EDL etc, who claim they were pleased to have seen off the left-wing anti-racists scum. I don’t know you and I accept that you are a good and decent bloke who has no agenda. I still can’t see though why you can’t see why folk would question,Why people would gather around the was memorial yesterday when it wasn’t a specific anniversary. Particularly, when the far- right groups around the country made it known their intentions. I know full well that there were local thugs there yesterday, because they said so themselves.
For me as it was a peaceful event with no law being broken as regards racism, racist chanting etc then there’s nothing wrong with that . I’m a big advocate in peaceful protest as long as it’s within the spirit of not denying others rights etc.
Clowns to liberal left of me, jokers to the far right of me here i am stuck in the middle on glue ! Had to come off Facebook we have created a society from the do-gooders that there opinion only counts anyone not of the same opinion is a skin head neanderthal knuckle dragger, was the same with Brexit. Then there’s the rent a mob that turned up yesterday maybe not with the intent of violence but ready for it, these seemed to be labelled as Yaxley-Lennon associates not sure why he wasn’t there. Don’t get me wrong he is a k n o b but some of what he says is on the money ! The police certainly used different tactics this weekend ( must have had sore knees), there was scum attacking police but also lots of BLM throwing bottles at police and attacking the counter protesters. Interesting last Saturdays mob rule bottle, flare throwing idiots got no coverage on BBC news but this week they were all over it wonder why ?
Idiots, a coach was put on from pompey to London yesterday organised by the veterans, in a word they were disgusted by an element of the footy lads who were just their to act like retards towards the police, thei idiots jumped onto something that was supposed to be peaceful stand organised by the vets, again neandathols, one one of the incidents they stood inbetween the idiots and the police pleading with them to stop. I was sickened watching and hearing about them pricks
The blm protest the week before were hijacked by idiots the vast majority wanted to get a message across peacefully. Then yesterday the same happened but when tommy Robinson is rounding his sheep up I expected no less.