Probably been done afore Any recommendations Anyone. For what it’s worth, the ones I’ve read Off the top of my head are as follows. From top to bottom order, Star ratings ***** Ricky Tomlinson. Dickie Bird. Boycott on Boycott Billy Connolly **** Skinner Botham Gazza Michael Parkinson Cyndi lauper ( need to be a fan so biased) *** Ronnie Barker Jon Parkin **N half Redders ** Ron Atkinson * Struggle to give 1 tbh Jimmy Greaves Tommy Docherty
Havnt read it myself yet as I’ve tons of books Which I keep changing orde of reading next lol. But it does look interesting and a local story as well .
Not a big fan of sports autobiographies. They're usually ghost written pap. Niall Quinn's is pretty good though but a bit heavy on the Saipan/Roy Keane incident.I Parky's Football Mad and Cricket Daft i loved.
Interesting for reds fans Also McCarthys auto and Lars Leese book the keeper gives a good mention of his time . Danny Blancheflower , this was his life . So named after he refused to appear on this is your life .
Geraint Thomas, hilarious (both) Same for Peter Crouch Chris Froomes is an interesting tale but more 'interesting' then humourous Chris Evans x2. Would loved to have crammed one year of his life into my 54.
I suppose Ghostwriters have a role in helping and advising the person it’s about. I Certainly wouldn’t touch an unofficial biography. Heard someone else at work mention/recommend the Quinn one
I'm an avid reader but autobiographies are lazy reading in my opinion, people with huge egos writing about themselves and exaggerating the truth is pretty poor fare and the 20 odd year old pop star/ sports personality giving it some 'MY LIFE' makes me chuckle. Imagination is the key to a good read, the author should take you on a road never travelled where there are no walls or boundaries keeping the mind closed. Just my opinion obviously, any reading is to be encouraged.
If your into your boxing I enjoyed both carl frochs and martin Murray's book. Especially murray goes to show how sport can change someone's life for the better.
I get where your coming from. So if I may I’d suggest. For a start. Ricky Tomlinson a great read about his union activities and being jailed. His career. His life experiences warts and all. Billy Connolly abused a a child. Shipyard working growing up on the Clyde. I do read fact and fiction. Probably would have to put Dan Brown at the top of my personal list. Of fiction. The battle of the Somme in factual.
Just had a trawl back through my anorak file. I've recorded every book I've read since 1973,lol. My Dad was a bit ocd so I think it's in the genes! I'd have to say, as a result, I'm not a big reader of biographies or autobiographies. The one stand out is Cider With Rosie by Lawrie Lee. I thought that was a joy to read.
My favourite music ones.of the top of my head, possibly not what you're asking for : Bob Dylan : Chronicles One- written almost like a brilliant lucid novel also of the times. Frank Zappa: found it inspiring, interesting. Had a mad creative and eventful life. Mark E Smith, Renegade: just funny as anything from one of uk rock's great characters. I never thought of Marc Riley in the same way again. I read all of these more than once
Alex Ferguson's first book is good. Sone good stories about his upbringing in Glasgow Jamie Vardy is a bit of a knob but his book mentions pubs and local football teams I can relate to . Gazza's is hilarious. What a complete nutter. Peter Crouch hits the nail on the head about footballers and hes also very funny.