I’d like some meat on these bones... I’ll agree there’s morons on both sides, one side is protesting against racism... so the ‘other side’ are de facto protecting racism. What’s their ‘valid point’?
It has synergies with the brexit protests don’t you think ? Flag burning anti British hysteria ?? Anyone who objects being accused of being right wing and engaging in whataboutery, I may not agree with some of Winston Churchill’s views but what a state we’re in when a statue of the man who led us through our darkest hour is defaced and threatened by the mob. It like to say thank you to those peaceful patriots and ex services personnel who have given up their time to stand against the mob.
And the way to protest against racism is to write BLM on war memorials is it. I'd have more truck with the BLM lot if they marched every time a black kid is stabbed or shot by another black kid in London because he's from a different post code because that happens on near enough a daily basis. Rightly or wrongly alot of white working class people feel they are losing their rights their jobs their culture. They believe the party that once stood for them the Labour party is no longer interested in their problems. In the minds of some the main stream politicians and the media especially on the left either ignore or ridicule the white working class. Emily Thornberry's snotty comment the other year when coming across a house on a council estate covered with England flags being a case in point would she have made those comments if the flags had been Jamaican or Pakistani? These are dangerous times and both sides need to be heard and their concerns acted on.
I'll admit it is rather weird to see someone I thought I knew suddenly turning into a White Lives Matter Too weirdo.
You'd have to ask one If you see a house covered in Union Jack's or Crosses of St George is your first thought proud patriot or racist? Same question if you see a house displaying Jamaican or Pakistani or Indian flags Some of the most ignorant racist people I've ever come across weren't white they were members of BAME communities. Their are issues on both sides and to claim one is more important that the other is what causes people to protest. Like I said some white working class people believe rightly or wrongly they are losing their rights jobs culture I didn't say I felt like that
I was in Glasgow a few years back, me & Di & best friends wanted a taxi back to our hotel, we were subject to racism. As soon as they heard our accent the cab drivers refused to take us, then one accepted us & we were on our way. Got to say it weren't a nice feeling, I love the Scots & Scotland.
What a load of piffle. Losing their rights, jobs and culture? We've just left the EU. We've taken our country back. We've got rid of the unelected beaurocrats in Brussels. And we're passing legislation that makes it more difficult for immigrants to maintain or get certain jobs. The "white working class" have got everything they ever wanted. Edit: Sorry, I didn't answer your flag question. If I see a Union Jack or Cross Of St George I do think racist. Mainly because whenever you see these far right idiots, they're decked out in them.
Firstly I'm white and working class and I certainly didn't vote for or want Brexit. Secondly re your Union Jack answer what is the difference between your reply and if I said all young Black men carry knives or guns and deal drugs or mug people or all Muslim men belong to rape gangs and prey upon children because sometimes some of them have done these things It's no good just saying the white side of things have nothing to complain about but yet painting the BAME side of things as gospel. Yes the racism is becoming a problem but there are racists on both sides and just belittling either sides concerns as nonsense will only worsen the problem. The incident that kicked this off happened in the USA and the BLM protesters are on our streets where are these people every other day when a young black kid is stabbed or shot in London by another black kid because he's from the wrong post code those deaths they could do something about and stop. Murders by cops in the USA they can't if Black lives matter start sorting out the problems in their own back yard first.
I'll say it again. I was there for my own beliefs and reasons. I suggest if you want to know others then ask or question theirs. I can only state and reitterate so many times why I attended. I can't speak for others. I may be an easy target as I've been open and honest. I'll take questions and answers them all day long .I'm assuming (which most who've had an opinion of my actions) won't even begin to either question or approach others who were there.
You do realise that because one black kid kills another black kid that doesn't excuse racist violence don't you? You do realise that so many black kids are caught up in crime because their communities are generally the poorest.
Did I mention you? Are you a big tommy robinson follower? Did you go down to london to protect the churchill statue because to heard tommy tell you to?
I get that you were there for your ‘own beliefs and reasons’ I’m not, Targeting’ you, my first post on this was wondering why the memorial was being commemorated when I was unaware of any anniversary, which is what generally happens. Then I read the ***** on Face book.