I must say I’m really impressed by what he’s doing, hopefully his back injury is sorted and he can get back to playing regular, watched him on that re run of the Wales game from the euros yesterday and he’s a very talented young lad who obviously has a good heart.
Did you see the interview on BBC Breakfast this morning too? Spoke incredibly well and with candour. His fondness for his Mum and the sacrifices she made was evident. He also highlighted that it is 2020 and there is still a awful lot of people in the UK living in poverty and need help. He was self aware enough to realise that through ability and hard work, his and his family's situation had been transformed, but that he could and should help and do something. I'm the youngest of 6 kids,there was little if any money around growing up. Poverty scars you,people may look at me and my wife and what we have and think it was easy. I still live in fear of being poor again,it never leaves you. Our parents were aspirational for their children, as most working class families were when I was growing up in the 60s. My siblings all became successful and socially mobile. A report last week highlighted the lack of social mobility now in the UK. The country has retreated to a time of before I was born. No meritocracy,it's who you know and where you went to school,that propels you in the UK. Not Academic achievement or ability either. The Social gains of Post war deconstructionalism have been eradicated,to return to a tiny elite believing they should rule. It's quite depressing for me and my generation to see,especially those of us with children, seeing them not able to fulfil their potential in this country. I have always encouraged my children to live and work abroad,where they won't be discriminated against for being non-U. My (and your) parents would recognise the UK as it is now,it's just like it was before the 2nd World War. That's what they wanted to change and did change and made a more equal and level diverse society. Sadly the Elite and their backers have rolled back the years, helped sadly by those who will suffer most from their actions. Never give up the fight,it's not about politics,it's about being human. Well done Marcus, for giving hope and brightening up our Monday.
I sincerely hope he’s not being used and manipulated by someone behind the scenes with an ulterior motive though. If he is, it could end very badly for Marcus. BTW, Goffey’s response to his tweet this morning proves that judgement isn’t a prerequisite to joining this cabinet. Surely silence would have been a better choice.
I don't think he will be. I read the tweet on the news and I did think they would never cut water off, but I wouldn't have the stupidity to reply to it as that wasn't really the point he was making. He is doing brilliantly and it is good they are being challenged.
Cant see it myself - it comes over as genuine from someone who was brought up in a family that struggled financially - Not sure who would be pulling strings behind the scenes - there is no money to be made from this
Hope you’re right. But you can never be sure who’s pulling the strings, that’s the objective. As far as motive goes, I would have thought it would be political rather then monitory (as difficult that is to believe in this day and age)
If anything Judgement is actively discouraged in the cabinet - arent they all picked because they will do as they are told and not show any independent common sense
Well my daughter tweeted Dan Jarvis yesterday morning and he liked it straight away so that should be one MP backing it. Kids going hungry during summer holidays has always been an issue.
Strugglimg to see how feeding poor children is something with nefarious connotations myself. It may be there are some people behind him who are also concerned with the welfare of others and he being a famous face has more chance of an impact than some unknown or minor politician but I really dont see any conspiracy here. Some people genuinely are concerned for others - Dont assume everyone is as bad as our current leaders
Rather than being tested on their judgement, in order to join this cabinet, perhaps they have to pass an ‘ability to withstand personal embarrassment and humiliation’ test.
Just when you thought this government couldn't get any more out of touch and callous. Sociopaths are running our country at a time of crisis, deaths to people they don't know really isn't a issue to them. Power and positions of authority which benefit their bank balances is the prime objective. We're not willing to look after our own children?! The Brexit campaigners said we'll be able to look after our own amongst other promises. Am I missing something?
I think this government is what you get when you vote brexit in a general election when you should be voting for ability competence. A classic example of taking your eye off the ball
Fair play to him, like many well off footballers he could just avoid sticking his head above the parapit, but instead he's chosen to do so. Money hasn't just made him well off, it's given him a degree of power, should he choose to use it for good, or bad. His parents clearly did a good job. Well done Marcus. Oh and **** the Tories.
Excellent news - (as long as the Government actually follows through and doesnt forget to implement once the pressure is off )
He's got SPOTY in the bag now even though he surely already had from all the other things he's done during lockdown.