Yes and I'll give them the answer Id give a white kid who uses the line it's because of my background that I'm a drug dealer mugger or robber. That's ******** you are a criminal because it was easier to be a criminal than do an honest days work you took the easy road not the right road. I grew up on a council estate I left school at the time the major employment in our town was destroyed in the thirty odd years since I've been unemployed 4 times through being made redundant the longest period was about 4 months do you know why that is it's because instead of sitting on my arse complaining at my lot I got off my arse and got another job. Living in a poor community is not an excuse to become a criminal. No one black kid killing another doesn't excuse racist violence I didn't say it did. But a black man being killed by a cop in the USA is something the protesters here can do nothing about defacing war memorials in London won't stop racism in the USA. But instead of protesting about things they can't influence why not concentrate on things they can influence.
I am absolutely fed up with people trotting out the black people kill other black people to excuse or diminish discrimination and racism in the UK or anywhere else. You got redundant and got another job. Well done you. I have. We probably all have. I'd suggest it's a damn site harder if you're black and certainly if you're black in America.
A friend of mine was at that BLM protest a few week ago and she was there not doing anyone or anything harm, just simply taking part and hoping to show solidarity in these trying times. She was also present at Manchester Arena a few year ago to see Ariana Grande when the bombs went off and killed all those poor children. So imagine how she reacted when she was in a large crowd and someone drives past and sets off a firework near them? Took us hours to calm her back down from a panic attack stage the poor lass. F*cking think about what you’re doing next time, brain dead c*nts.
I've read your post about 5 times, and I still don't know what your point is. I still want to know what rights, jobs and culture the "white working class" are losing.
Contrary to popular opinion, Neanderthals had larger brains than Homo Sapiens - and it is thought that they were either out-fought by the more aggressive homo sapiens or bred together (a significant %age of the population has Neanderthal DNA) - although that breeding might not always have been voluntary.
Defending the statue of a man, who as Home Secretary would have sent in the armed forces and had them shot (See Liverpool, Tonypandy, Ireland)
It's morally justifiable to remove that statue by force because the statue itself is no longer morally justifiable. Context is importance when considering actions which may or may not be considered criminal. In 100 years time people will look back in history books and those condemning it as a 'criminal action' will be nothing more than a cursory footnote.
"It's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission" - Rear Admiral Grace Hopper (inventor of the term "bug")
So to confirm as long as the person carrying out the act believes it’s justifiable any crime can be broken based on that reasoning.
Sometimes yes. Not all laws are good laws and when talking/protesting / debating doesn't work then action needs to be taken, so you had freedom riders on the buses in the south in the 50s/60s.
Anne Frank being hidden in a loft was illegal. Murdering her in a concentration camp was legal. The Law isn’t a fixed point and isn’t always ‘right’ so sometimes it changes.
I would say it undoubtedly is, but I think it’s more than skin colour these days. I think role models come into it these days for both black and whites. Thinking back to my own childhood, we weren’t well off but my dad worked hard five and a half days a week min every week bar holidays.I was therefore brought up with a good work ethic and role model. Ensuing generations have been brought up in recent years with lesser ( or no role models) and so the cycle continues..,,
I’m not going to go into why your example is incorrect, but I agree with your point about the law and if the law was changed I wouldn’t bat an eyelid at the statue taken down. However currently what they did was illegal and if we all decide we can ignore laws that suit the world would be chaotic.
So whats to do then ? Shall the Italians tear down the Coliseum in Rome because slaves were sent there to fight to their deaths, or maybe you’d advocate the demolition of the pyramids built to honour the memory of pharaohs who created them using slave labour ? Churchill held views which today would be deemed racist, was his statue built to celebrate his racism, or built to honour the man who guided us through WW2 ?
You’re right, not all Laws are correct, but who is right to decide which? There are means and ways to have them changed that can be done within the confines of the laws that define and form our Society. There was a video doing the rounds where the War Memorial at Portsmouth was defaced with large tins of paint poured all over them is that acceptable too?
OK; Rosa Parks sitting in the wrong seat was illegal, Alan Turing having sex with another bloke was illegal. Secondary picketing is illegal, sometimes the law defends the wrong people and the only way of making change is to challenge it. BTW I don’t support the criminal damage, but after years of lobbying it appears to have achieved the right outcome so what do I know?
But you are supporting it by saying it’s morally correct There are and always will be Laws that are wrong at a fixed point in time but there are ways to challenge and have amended to suit. Unnecessary violence and Criminal damage should not be one of them options.
I’m not supporting it, I’m merely raising the question as to the ‘rightness’ of the law and who it defends.
Some laws wouldn't get changed if protesters only acted in ways that were legal at the time. There have been campaigns for years to get it removed, they've fallen on deaf ears. If legal means have failed to come up with results then I have no issue with the slaver going for a swim