Well obviously some don’t and without getting into (and needing the lyrics explained to me ) I wouldn’t imagine people would be getting upset if it didn’t resonate and tbh who am I to judge . But if it’s contentious imo it’s only a song for a pastime I’ll try something else .
I don’t know I havnt put the complaint in I’m just commenting that if it’s upsetting sections of our community it’s best scrapped imo .
Maybe they should be educated? You can't demand that others are educated but refuse to also educate yourself. Well you can but it makes you (not you you) a bit of a hypocrite
I'm asking a question. You always completely ignore the question and instead throw in a casual insult. Why don't you just answer the question? It's called debate.
I think it’s more to do with the context that rugby players have used the song in the past or summat . Not sure without actually seeing the complaint (if there is actually a formal complaint ) Still think there’s a three lions moment for a rugby song though imo .
I am answering you . But you refuse to see other peoples views. Me personally no I dont feel belittled by the song but if I was black maybe I would. That's all I'm saying. And I dont see why a black person cant be listened to. They have set the slogan BLM, yet some white people wont let them even decide that without whinging on about it. Its the whole thing of they have to get white approval, they have to tread carefully so as not to offend/ alienate white folk. I think they have had enough of it, let them set their own agenda and support them with it for a change instead of thinking you know best. Theres enough stuff out there to read up on if you really want to.
"I don't see why a black person can't be listened to". I haven't said they cant be listened to so don't even bother coming with that one putting words in my mouth. I didn't ask you if you felt belittled. I asked what the negative belittling context of the song is. I'm yet to hear a response. You seem to think I haven't read up on things yet whenever I quoted facts to you in previous discussions you completely disregarded them and instead threw in another belittling casual insult.
If it’s being contended it’s contentious to somebody obviously , Can’t form a proper view personally as I havnt seen the lyrics or what they’re about and who’s complaining and why tbh. But what I’m saying if there is genuinely some contention and it’s upsetting sections of the community I’m sure a compromise can be found .
Maybe as a black person with your ancestry coming from slavery hearing posh white rugby lads singing it might make you feel like ****. Maybe you can't put a finger on why it makes you feel uncomfortable but as the black woman in the article I posted said it did make her feel like that. Take the n word. I hate it, don't want to ever hear anyone saying it yet I am not going to tell the proportion of black people who want to use it in their music and speech to each other that they shouldn't.
I haven't told anyone whether they should be offended by it or not, I've just asked a question of why does she or anyone else feel offended by it? It's a question I've not seen answered anywhere which I think is a bit odd. I honestly get the feeling that a lot of people have heard the word slave and jumped to a conclusion that it is a song about slaves or something when in actual fact it's a song by a freed slave which gives it a totally different context. I ask the question of why is it offensive or uncomfortable because I am genuinely curious as to why that is
OK. I do understand where you're coming from I think . And maybe someone will come along to articulate exactly why but in the meantime I can accept why it could make folk feel weird. I suppose it could be a bit like hearing the internationale sung by a load of bankers celebrating screwing yet more money out of the poor because they like the tune? But obviously worse.
I first came across it at Leeds Uni in 82. We had a few Rugby Union players on my course. The song started being sung in the rugby clubs and was sung with hand gestures with a strong emphasis on " Coming for to carry me home." I'm sure you can use your imagination.