Sadly there will always be people who have a racist point of view, whether it be their own or because they are sheep! They generally have an arrogant self belief that they are right in their opinions, but if the majority of them had bothered to get an education or were even able to make a decision or think for themselves then perhaps the world might be a better place.
I despair I really do. Our society is riddled with a sizeable minority of selfish, badly informed, bigoted people. I'm afraid Barnsley seems to have more than its fair share.
Cue a white male poster replying and totally disagreeing with you, because they are in the best position to speak for BAME communities
Oduor, Palmer, Simoes, Brown, Diaby etc. I wonder if they ever see the Bruce Dyer comments or read some of the comments on here and think...yeah I'm going to go out there and bust a gut for them?
I'm hoping that they feel supported at the club and by their teammates if nothing else. I also hope they read the positive comments as well
Trouble is the morons appear so prominent because right-minded folk, for understandable reasons, shy away from responding.
Doesn't that significant % of idiots suggest that it's one heck of a significant problem? This is what i'm seeing in gerneral all over social media. The BBS is clearly not representative of this overall but outlets that reach much much wider are. We are quickly rivalling the US of A as the ####stain of the world.
Barnsley was 70% for Brexit and the majority of them did so for ill educated immigration reasons. Why is anyone surprised that a lot of our fans are racist.
Disgusting that Bruce and everyone else has had to see that kind of response. It’s so stupid. Ashamed of the town right now.
You should see the state of Twitter regarding the terrorist incident. Mooooossslliimmms, brown people, face coverings, foreigners, asylum seeker, Tommeh etc all so predictable. I'm not a fan of organised religion, it creates too many extremists due to brain washing. It's even worse when its politicised. Let's not forget what Trump did the other week, incitement using religion. We wonder why these things keep happening. But let's blame all Moooooossslims and brown people cos Lee Rigby innit.
Time to trot out the good old It’s difficult to win an argument with an intelligent well educated person. But it’s impossible to win one with an idiot ....
Yerbut!! Come on...... everyone knows Islamic forces were responsible for the 1099 Massacre of...err..Jews and Muslims in Jersualem. Oh! hang on..that was the Christian crusaders. Ah! but! What about the torture and massacres throughout Europe and the Christian World during the inquisition? Oh hang on! That was the Catholic Church. What about the enslavement and brutal treatment of Salem witch-hunts Oh! that was the Puritans. What about the annihilation of indigenous tribes in South America, subjugation of indigenous population in North America, Canada and Australia. Don't remember hoardes of Muslims wearing U.S Cavalry uniforms at Little Big Horn!! When people decry Muslims for the Sunni vs Shia conflicts and the brutal conflicts between Sikhs and Hindus seem to disregard violent history of Christianity throughout history that still exists, between the many different religious sects within Christianity, notably Catholics vs Protestants. Religion, or at least organised religion has little to do with God but is about power and control. Regardless of whether a God exists man would have to invent one!! I often wonder how many wars and countless deaths would have been avoided if religion never existed.