As the article says a Labour did this after the Global crash, but is the rest of what’s mentioned going a bit too far, particularly the NI contributions?
They’re already looking at taking the triple lock of pension increases . It’s pretty obvious who they’re going after . When 45 Billionaires have increased their wealth and he’s looking at cutting meagre pension increases. Bedroom tax will double next then abolish tax credits . Then blame it on the poorest etc etc
Why do we allow these charlatans divide us, eg young v old etc? Pensions in the uk are low compared to other euro nations. In the last 4 months, I haven’t seen a lot of “protecting the old”! Wilks is entitled to his opinion - my opinion is that his view is shameful.
If I could I would have put my mortgage on it which is a fair amount of money. I know a lot on here won’t know what a mortgage is because houses were like a tenner back in day.
When was that exactly. Yes house prices were a lot less but so were earnings. And interest rates had periods when they were really high. When I took my first mortgage in the mid 80’s it was for £33,000 but the Mrs and I were earning around £8000 each So virtually double our joint income for a 1 bed starter home. And interest rates were 14% I know it’s even worse these days but it wasn’t easy 35 years ago if you lived in the south
Don't get me wrong, I'm not sticking up for wilko at all but double one year's income for a couple to fully pay off a house (even a one bed, especially when it's down south) is insanely cheap!! After a bit of research, the average cost for a one bed house down south is £350,000. The average wage is £36,000. Therefore, if a couple both earned that, they would have £72,000 and the house would cost almost 5 times their joint income. For a 10% deposit, you needed £3,300, less than half of one of your wages. Now, a £35,000 deposit would be needed, almost the entire yearly wage of one half of the couple. The deposit tends to be the real reason why people cannot afford homes now, not so much the repayments.
Or maybe reintroduce Henry VIII’s beard tax. A sure revenue earner given the trend in recent years for facial hair.
You’re a top guy Farnham, but this post sums up how naive the older generation are to the financial strain young people are under nowadays.
That's true but is a large part of that because saving money for a house is so far down some people's priorities that they don't bother? People I know seem perfectly capable of taking a thousand or even two thousand pound on holiday with them for a week in Spain and somehow managing to spend every penny of it. Plus the thousand pound that the holiday itself cost. Every single year too. Skip those for three years and that alone is about £8k per person saved. For a couple that's £16k. Something which they claim is impossible when they are saving for a house but becomes perfectly reasonable for going abroad. Nights out with mates in late teens and early 20s how many thousands per year are spent there? I know it's more expensive now than it was in previous generations, anyone who denies that is an idiot. But the idea that for many it's impossible is just a lie. It's impossible to buy your dream home as your first home whilst simultaneously refusing to make any sacrifices to save. That's the actual truth. If people demand the dream 3 bed detached property with private garage and scenic views, big dining room and all perfectly decorated for them then they're in for a shock. If they will settle for a 2 bed terrace to get them on the property ladder then it is definitely doable. Toby Foster regularly mentions on his radio show that it will be impossible for his kids to buy houses, that it's impossible now. His eldest daughter is I think around 16 now so not a million miles off house buying age if she chose to be. There's a 3 bed house less than 3 miles from his own for sale for £65,000 at the moment. A 10% deposit for that is just £6500 which is easily achievable on your own nevermind between two people. Lower expectations and make sacrifices and buying a home is extremely affordable in this area.
Cheers Supertyke, I’ve lowered my expectations and bought this
That's the spirit. Skip just one holiday and you can buy a second home in Royston too