The out and out racists will still have some quite reasonable absolutely tolerant friends on Facebook. Someone can be a racist but also be quite friendly or whatever so they won't only be friends with other racists. What I don't understand is why their Facebook friends see these disgusting posts and not unfriend them? I know there are people with kids (who also use Facebook) who are reasonable people in general but are Facebook friends with the worst racists. Why would you do that? What sort of parent are you if you allow your children to see that you are friends with racists?
Why does he support a group that wants to "disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure"? I thought he was a Christian?
I think a lot of people 'let things go' and don't confront acquaintances about certain issues. They ignore, laugh along (tacit acceptance) or agree so as to shut the person up. Confronting means jeopardising a relationship which in the main may be a good one....Just my view