Speech to his supporters in Tulsa on Covid 19 testing-essential in controlling the spread of the virus "Here is the bad part: When you do testing to that extent, you are going to find more people, you will find more cases," he told the cheering crowd. "So I said 'slow the testing down'. They test and they test."
I honestly don't understand how even his most ardent supporters don't hear that and think 'hang on...'. He's said enough stupid and despicable things that I really feel there must be something that would turn anyone off of him. There must be a line somewhere for everyone that he has crossed.
The original reports i read suggested he was joking. I just watched a clip of it and it didn't look like a joke to me. Mind you he did know he was preaching to the stupid so they'd lap it up no matter how outrageous it was.
Listening to some of his more sensible voters and not the ardent Trump forever hotheads he’s turned the economy round. I don’t know personally whether he had or no but just listening g to some of them he seems to be doing ok. One said yeah he makes me cringe with his twitter posts and his speeches and he was against the clearing of the protesters for the photo shoot . He went on to say before the election he was on his knees and apparently lots more besides him but since Trumps policies the economy is on the up where he is at least . He also said he doesn’t agree with his policies on immigration etc and a few more but the ones he does agree with are working for him . He also went on to suggest that his public profile and actual policies implemented are two different things with the people behind the scenes putting in place good policies for the economy whilst letting the president ramble in public . I don’t know if this is true but he didn’t come across as the usual Trump supporter they usually interview . Not saying for one moment I agree with him whatsoever but if as he says lots behind the scenes like him supporting him he’ll get back in .
Not the first time he's resorted to "it was a joke" when it's been pointed out to him how stupid his comments were.
I wonder what people made of his "Kung Flu" comment in the same speech? If Buffoon Boris made either of those comments he would be seriously slaughtered by the electorate and media. Luckily for Trump he was addressing the cast of Deliverance
The bloke is a lunatic. Anyone voting for him is just making excuses, there’s no way he should be in office.
^^^ This is why he will probably get another term.. Blind following and general ignorance on behalf of his fans regardless of what he says.
Half of his voters are idiots who can only understand short sentences so his childlike verbal skills appeal to them, the other half are bigots who see him as a great champion of their bigoted views.
Did we all see the story yesterday where he was able to drink a glass of water using just one hand -hard to believe it was considered newsworthy but it was
And yet the Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, however you want to flag them are doing their best to hand him four more years.
I'm no fan of Trump - or any politician at the minute to be fair - but if the Democrats can't put up a credible candidate it tells you a lot about the fragility and lack of real democracy in the two-party system we have in the whole of the west... For balance here's democrats showing how exactly enlightened wise and educated they are.......
Unfortunately, when anyone with any shred of compassion for people, humanity, mankind, or the planet emerges, they're immediately branded looney-left communists, who want to steal all your money and give it to the great unwashed. It's almost as though the top 1% wealth pit people against each other, so they can carry on running the show.
It's amazing isn't it. There's so much similarity between us and the gold old U.S. of A that it would be funny if it wasn't so sad. A government that deals in snappy catchphrases instead of actual policies and a leader who relies on charisma instead of substance. And a majority who lap it up.
I think Trump and his supporters have been attacked so much that they take up an entrenched position, they have defended him so much that they can't give in now, they have to see it out to the bitter end.