Just been thinking about that. Possibly the owner of the company was a "donor" to their cause. Can't see any reputable company making it, would probably have a massive impact on their business if they got found out. I mean there can't be that many companies that do that type of thing. Should be pretty easy to narrow it down. Wonder if the pilot will get in any bother?
Unless they want to specialise in the racist market Reading the replies to some of the tweets is rather depressing. There might be a niche business there for the casual racist Banner display.
This is so sad. Unfortunately the far right idiots divert attention away from those with power and privilege who are most responsible for inequality in our society. Those who are discriminated against, no matter their colour, gender, or sexual orientation, should be uniting together to fight their oppressors. White working class males who are attracted to the far right provide a focus for the media and take the heat off those who deserve scrutiny.
They could do a sideline in sexist banners too "women. If you can see this banner get back in the kitchen!"
It seems to be getting roundly condemned by proper Burnley fans http://www.uptheclarets.com/message...&t=47905&sid=1c76e2a468c557b159fce72e399bd432
Before I get the racist card thrown at me again. This is genuine question I'm not seeking to say the intent of the culprits wasn't racist or defend them but in a strictly legal sense how would you prosecute the organisers or the owners of the plane The banner just said White Lives Matter, in a legal not moral sense how is that racist yet the many posters up and down the country saying Black Lives Matter aren't. They didn't say black lives don't matter just like the posters at the BLM rallies don't say White lives don't matter. How could the CPS say the culprits today had racist intent but nobody on a BLM march did. Surely in a purely legal sense you can't say a White Lives Matter banner is racist but a Black Lives Matter banner isn't. I suppose the CPS could say it offended some people but no doubt a defence lawyer could find people "offended" by a black lives matter poster. Again just to clarify I'm not saying the thought process behind the Burnley banner wasn't racist or defend the culprits I'm talking in a strictly legal sense could the CPS prosecute them for a banner that just says White Lives Matter but ignore banners and other items saying Black Lives Matter.
In a strictly legal sense you're probably correct - which incidentally is the first thing you've been right about in a while. Why you would think like this though I do not know - it's almost like there's an agenda there somewhere.
No agenda just people were saying they should be prosecuted along with the company and I couldn't see how in strictly legal terms they could because the actual words used aren't racist even if the sentiment behind them was unless of course the CPS think they could prove it was intended to offend but unless the organisers have put that in writing somewhere i think that would be difficult.
Nobody in this thread said they just be prosecuted. Just that it was abhorrent. You just make things up.
Stop being a racist, then!!! Your posts tell me everything. You have an "us and them" mentality and you regularly display this. For example, you created a thread about BLM but then talk about muslim grooming gangs- your thought process gives you away. Totally different race for starters but of course they don't look like you. You clearly have a chip on your shoulder about other races striving for equality. You should be ashamed of yourself. If it is free speech to have your opinion, it works both ways: you are a racist. In my opinion
Shame on them. I just hope the media don't do their usual job and mix us up with them. Mind you there are one or two on here who might have done something like it - if they'd had the brain power to think of it.
Despicable as it is, you’ve got to admit that football hooligans have come a long way from the days of bovver boots and aerosols! Or are they just a better class of hooligan?
I think we can now officially say we've got a major problem with racism, white supremacy, white fright and white entitlement in this country. This isn't going to go away, to me some are spoiling for a race war, akin to in U.S. We're a fair few steps behind them, but the gap is closing. My question is do these numpties not realise that non racist white people (anti fascists) will undoubtedly be facing them down if it does escalate? Will the white anti fascists be branded unpatriotic and terrorists to make it justifiable?
I wondered about that myself, might it have something to do with the (IMO) bigoted ‘Christian’ bakery in NI that refused to make a cake for a gay couple a while back. That ended with a big court case in which I think they were found to be in the wrong.