No chance I'll be going anywhere near one too risky. He also reckons no country has a valid track and trace app....I'm sure Germany and Norway would question that. Again he mentions common sense as the silver bullet.
Genuine question out of interest. Are you maintaining a self-imposed lockdown for a little bit longer then, or is it just pubs you feel will be too risky?
I'll probably go to the local cricket club - members only club, less busy. Normal pubs will be rammed full of people hugging and kissing - I'll probably give that a miss.
Will be self imposing the current lockdown, the independent sage panel have serious concerns. When the government withhold or can't provide accurate testing figures its a worry. I'm able to work from home so I'm lucky. I'm sure some unscrupulous HR advisors will see the new guidance (not legislation) as a green light to repopulate business.
I’ll be going, been a long wait. Think I’ll stick with quiet places to eat and drink to start with though.
Can't wait to be able to sit at a pub again and enjoy the sunshine with a freshly pulled pint. If people want to stay locked away a little longer that's there choice. It's going to be good for people suffering mentally or feeling lonely to get out and see faces they haven't seen in ages, within a social setting. It's going to help so many industries that are part of a pub such as taxis, food suppliers etc.
'Normal' pubs won't be. Although that depends on your definition of normal I guess. Pubs that have a duty of care and attention towards their customers will be some of the safest places you can visit as they're so regulated. The work going on behind the scenes on this reopening plan has been pretty incredible. Just not something that's out there in the public knowledge really. That's been the challenge to the government all along. Pubs could have had their external areas open for 3/4 weeks and it would have been better regulated than the majority of the crowds that have formed in parks, or even in their own gardens where the alcohol was bought elsewhere.
Fair points. I just can't see how when people are hammered they won't be getting in my personal space when I go to the bar. I guess what I'm saying is I'll probably just avoid Tim Martin's places.
I'll be looking forward to a nice cold lager in a nice pub garden, and adding that to the list of things getting me back into a normal way of life again. But not any time soon, as it's too much of a risk considering the job I do. Sadly.
I am looking forward to some beer garden action but wasn't sure how it would work once people started getting a bit pissed. Table service makes sense
I'll still be a little unsure. Lots of streets in Liverpool city centre are being pedestrianised so pubs and cafes can set up seating areas. Bold Street which has some fantastic eating and drinking places will be one of the first
I’m going to be maintaining it until numbers of cases get much, much lower than they currently are. I’m not sure exactly what number yet, I guess I’ll know when I feel it’s safe to risk non essential places. I’m an introvert anyway so I’m not even slightly bothered about not going anywhere. We can’t leave the dog anyway so I’d be stopping in no matter what.
One way systems for toilets and urinals is going to be tricky, but no different to the supermarkets, those with the best managers/owners will do it properly/safely and do it well. I'm sure most people could name the pubs that they should avoid. The same ones they probably don't go to already.