Beer freshness should be fine. There's a dedicated website for pubs to log their kegs so the breweries can claim the duty back and they don't have to use them. Breweries have also been crediting pubs for any beer delivered after 9th March that is out of date. On top of that, some suppliers have offered to replace all existing stock for fresh rather than give a credit. Like I said in a separate post, loads of stuff goes on in the background that Joe Public won't be aware of. As for beer lines .......... any that haven't been cleaned will be destroyed now anyway. There's a risk to those that were just left on water, but that will vary. Again, the good managers/owners will have no issues with beer lines. The cost cutting/short cut pubs you'd expect might.
Cant resist putting this tweet up as a reply to Loko - he isn't completely impartial on this though he does have good knowledge from the pub side I think I will stick to outdoor drinking at least to begin with - with the possible exception of a regular beer I used to have on a Sunday evening where the pub we go to is so guiet we could easily sit on a table each
This. I know a few landlords/Barstaff/ Restaurant owners and they have been over the last few weeks prepping. A few have been overhauled completely barring the actual physical bars. Cleaned decorated and cleaned again. Beer gardens resigned, seating reorganised to spread out a little, menus simplified. Unless you drink in the Corner Pin you'll have nothing to worry about over beer quality.
I won't be going anywhere near the pub and I will also keep to 2 metre social distancing. I don't trust the government's judgement, motives or integrity and neither do the vulnerable people who still need my help.
Like others have said, i won't be going to the pub, but I can't remember the last time I went to a pub anyway, so that's nothing new. One part I found interesting, pubs will be expected to keep a lot of visitors for track and trace purposes. Does this mean that if one person that went to a pub tests positive all those that were also in the pub will have to isolate for 14 days? Including the bar staff I assume? That will kill the economy even more than lockdown. This all reeks of the government not wanting to admit we're behind their original timelines and ploughing ahead anyway. However, I don't begrudge people that want to go out. It has been a long time and I'm sure it will help mental health. I just hope pubs are strict on the numbers they allow in etc.
If pubs have to ask for your name, address and phone number that's a good thing. We give details when visiting a restaurant, so it's no different and if someone with Covid was in the venue the same time as you, you're easy to track down to get a test. 1 metre is pretty much arms length back to old normal. I can see it causing issues with others though because a lot will want you to stay 2 metres from them even though you no longer have to.
I'm still against lowering Social Distancing. It just seems silly. stay as far away as possible from everyone should be the guidance.
A serious question for @Loko the Tyke what happens to the data you give when entering a pub / restaurant in this case. Is it destroyed after 2 weeks or is it all passed up to the government Its a bit different to what @dreamboy3000 says above - I never give those details to restaurants - I give a mobile phone number when booking but thats about it
Motorway service loos have not changed .same way in and out alternate urinals .every other one taped off.sinks too.liecester has burger king open although northbound up steps in wh Smith's.cant go up normall way
Was this pub landlord actually Barnsley's own beer supremo Pete Brown? He was on Radio 4 today as well
Different to pubs though. Bigger spaces in the main. No alcohol being consumed. Toilets is the trickiest part to manage in pubs. Plus what to do about people who turn up and don't like the fact they can't find a table and therefore can't come in to play.
The devil will be in the detail as always. I'm sure I read that other countries operating this policy launched something like two weeks for the pubs to keep the data but longer for the government.
Don't know but we couldn’t take her before anyway as we don’t have her harness or training for how she should behave. Remember, she’s not a normal dog (although she soon could be depending on what Guide Dogs decide).
I'd have put behaving in a pub or restaurant top if the list for training!! Mine us hopeless at sitting still in pubs!!
that’s my view. Most of the medical staff my missis knows are of the opinion it’s poorly thought out so I will go with that. Might try a beer garden or a restaurant with outdoor space but no chance of me going indoors.