Here is the problem. You are clutching at straws in your eagerness to see this as silly not sinister and racist. He wanted to put SS at the end!
That stood for suicide squad, the hooligan group of Burnley- not far right related. The guy who did it clearly is racist and worships Tommy Robinson. It was clearly a racist demonstration.
No straws by me whatsoever, I didn't see it that way at all, I have no eagerness and I fully respect your views on it, it was idiotic, pathetic and totally un called for, myself, didn't see it as racist, " he wanted to put SS at the back" you cant get charged for wanting to do something ( SS sign in this case ) and not doing it, I want to kill all nonces but I ain't a murderer, he himself is a racist neandathol but the sign imo was not.
I was shocked he wasn't done for incitement. I'm guessing he's had some legal help before organising it. 100% certain if SS was on the end he'd now be preparing for a day in court. The way I see it, they'll say it's no different to a banner at a peaceful demo. We know it's not, it's attached to a plane and will be picked up globally by Premier League media outlets. Burnley could ban him however, terms and conditions of supporting club in line with their own principles etc. As for the plane and the owners I'd refuse it access to airspace during live events and mass gatherings. The racist is now known to police and the public. Accidents do happen.
The Burnley Fan who arranged the White Lives Matter Banner on Monday has been sacked today from his work.
I would imagine because, on the balance of probabilities, he's a racist little weasel with little to no moral compass and it doesn't reflect well on his (former) employer to pay him for his services.
that's not my point, I'm on about the legalities, possibly bringing the firm into ill repute or something like that maybe.But if you go down that line there must be loads of others vulnerable
No you're right, the sign in itself is not. However, the backdrop ito it clearly makes it a racist act and that is how it's been regarded by Burnley FC, hence them saying that.
If a sign which could reasonably be interpreted as racist is done with racist intent then I see it as racist.
We all have to live together on these little islands of ours. People on here have accused me of being racist my fault I know for conflating several subjects into one and not understanding the BLM movement so today I reached out to a black colleague at work and had a discussion about it. I now feel I understand the sentiment behind it better and agree it really is time to move on to a better society. But, yes there's a but a lot of white working class people and I'm not talking about card carrying members of Tommy's little gang do have concerns about their lives and futures too and to be honest probably feel threatened rightly or wrongly by the BLM movement. Now while the more "enlightened" amongst contributors on here, the ones who pile on anybody who even slightly criticises the BAME community like they were members of the KKK will scoff at that statement it's true. We need to make changes as a country but to make those changes it needs the majority to want to move forward with them and while it's easy to dismiss peoples genuinely felt concerns as nothing but racism it won't help anyone going forward, the BAME community deserve to have their issues dealt with no doubt about that but the white community need to know they are being listened to too . I would like to live in a country where everybody feels safe and secure and able to prosper because that's the only way anybody will feel that way.
It’s the age old problem. The white working class rightly feel disenfranchised. They could turn left for help; to the support mechanisms that protected them and gave them a fair crack of the whip for most of the 20th century. Or they could turn right; into the arms of the very people who are ripping them off, picking their pockets using the age old deflection technique... ‘Don’t blame us; it’s the foreigners what done it!’ it’s difficult to help people with entrenched beliefs, no matter how ill conceived. The wrong way to do it is to call them thick and racist, I wish it was as easy to know what the right way is.
Nice one Stairfoot, understanding is key. I'm trying not to "pile on", but I'm sensing what is happening now with BLM is that much more than the mere lip service racism often seems to get. I totally agree with your last statement btw.