Will the cameras for the match be on the west stand gantry if so wouldn’t it be better to have the flags in the east stand
Just going what was on the official sight, sure it said fill the ponty. although east stand would be better.
I think that would mean taking them all way after every game wouldn't it? At least most of the ponty is under cover.
Some printing firm must have made a fortune for all these so called skint premier league clubs covering all the seats in giant covers.
A Leeds fan told me they have sold 15,000 cardboard figures, is that all i said thought you had biggest support ever.
Can't we just move with the times and bring out the tech.. Reckon if we all bought a drone and in an orderly fashion land on our own seats to give us our seat view. Football stadia of the future and the death of the spectator sport. Laugh about it now but can imagine something similar for an event where we all attend via drone..