Perhaps Young Nudger's donation could be used to set up a scholarship fund to put a couple of trainees through the Academy for two years?
Thanks. I'm asking for my mum. She's got the code but unsure about renewing while it's up in the air (going in person). And she doesn't know where she stands with refund etc
Quite easy to delete. Mate never give em the pleasure. When clicked on. Just edit em out and put 1 symbol in for it to accept.
I stand corrected then mate, thanks. If she’s got the code without renewing. I assume she will definitely get the refund. As not entered into an option as such yet.
I love to read nudgers posts he's like marmite to most... There's many a time I sit and chuckle at what he writes knowing full well he does it to be contradictive.. Just to get a response.. His type of humour flies over the head of most in my opinion.. He's got fishing off to a tee and at times not only is it comical to watch how folk bite and get wound up but.its a pleasure watching a craft man at work lol..... Hats off to him... Lol... For us older generation.... Barnsley is full of pil....lockers some of the countries best reside here and in my opinion nudger can be added to that hall of fame..... Clever lad is our nudger...
Hooky is wrong (sorry Hooky). If you had a season ticket last year you get a code to watch the remaining matches for free. Simple as that. It doesn't matter what you do regarding refund/flexi or whether you renew next season or not.
Not an issue mate. I read the options again. and still it doesn’t seem clear. I thought it was just a benefit on the reds reserved and reds reserved + for next season. I never looked in the refund/4 match ticket section. Guess it’s amongst that. Redarmy pointed it out in the reply to me.
Ah, we're discussing the codes for this season which are for all 19/20 season ticket holders regardless of refund/flexi choice. To get a code for next season (if we are still behind closed doors and the EFL allows it) then you will need a 20/21 season ticket (and reserved/reserved + will determine whether you get just home or home and away).
Trouble is with that mate he loses respect on anything he ever posts. We all can play a game sometimes but when it’s constant it becomes boring. one day, no one will communicate back. Leave him to his own wum threads, Sooner the better. I decided months ago to not give him the benefit of the doubt. On owt he posts. Being helpful on what looks like a genuine post. and then being led for a fool by the originator is not a good trait, What he is good at is creating a thread. And people go off on a tangent. Discussing him and not the thread. Time for folk to wise up.
No you’re still correct mate. I thought the rest of this season was hidden amongst the renewals also. What you say makes sense. Ifollow should if not already. be included in the options for the rest of this season. Even if not renewing.
Never liked it from being with the NCB. It's just a way of having a laugh at others expense. Always thought it was pretty pathetic actually.
I can understand why you were confused with this mate, I was too. I thought the free iFollow code was some kind of incentive not to apply for refund, and that if you got your code and didnt 'opt out' then you couldnt apply for the refund, but maybe I was just being cynical. No reflection on the club, just thought it's the way it would go. Good to know you can get refund (if she chooses to).and still watch remaining games.