Yup, lad I know got that. Mind you he was drunk and decided a bush outside a school as they were leaving was an appropriate place to go.
And I don’t like cricket so I’m going to topple Dickie Bird’s statue, dump it in the Dearne and get away with it.
Early on in the RW's new list of derogatory nicknames for lefties I got annoyed - until oddly the rise of the Antifa movement, which led to the RW using it as a scary label. They shot themselves in the foot with that - if you have decided that Antifa is your enemy; who are you? Fascists! straight up, no nuance, no discussion, no need for an explanation, if your enemy is antifa, you've labelled yourself fascist.
Anarchy is fantastic! It’s only people who ruin it. A truly anarchical state is built on personal responsibility to do the right thing. So government is not needed, police not needed because nobody does anything wrong, armed forces not needed because nobody wants war etc etc. Simply add humans to **** it all up! PS. This is from memory of my days as a student of political philosophy, and memory fades but I think I’m close.
Can we clarify something... By Antifa you mean the peaceful protesters right. Not the black clad mask wearing highly violent organisation that has taken its name from Antifaschistische Aktion.
I think you may find that one particular ne'er do well from the Spencer-Stanhope family got involved in the slave trade. For a while. That's it. But Cannon Hall has been around for centuries, and is principally built upon the iron industry. Plus my father in law says he built and paid for his house there in the village. Says he worked like a slave, if that helps.