Neither did I although I can’t say I’m one of the fans looking forward to “winning a few games in League One”. Whenever it starts up again.
Across the whole season and tbh I'm not arsed anymore.The atrocious start to the season has left us in the mess we are in. I don't entirely blame Stendel as he was dealt a **** hand not being allowed to bring in the experience he asked for. Struber has done OK, but his insistence on continually starting Ritzmare is baffling. IMO Struber is not the man to plan our assault on the L1 title and the club should be looking at alternative candidates right now. Conway and Chien will sell Woodrow, Chaplin, Mowatt and Brown, expect Sollabeur to go too when the inevitable happens.
Try as our owners no doubt will to sell the family jewels I'm not so sure that in the current climate there will be an orderly queue forming to buy our players.
Time to go back to someone who knows British football and is highly thought of by fans already. I would like to see Disco promoted to head coach and someone else with a link to our past being his assistant (maybe bring back Tonge?).
I think disco is doing a great job where he is for now. Does he even want to manage the first team yet, if ever?
Won’t come forward unless he’s going to get backing from the board that’s why we troll Europe for managers
Solbauer and Struber leaving feels nailed on. Woodrow is extremely likely, but I feel like as if that would have happened regardless of our performance. Same with Mowatt. Chaplin is on a four year contract. We'll sell if the offer is significant. Brown - similar to above Big thing is 1) we might need the money to survive if we go down. This won't likely be previous seasons of selling players 2) We might not have buyers. The market at our level might be very different
Surely we all like winning matches, whether that be against Fulham or Fleetwood. I cannot believe anyone would say they enjoyed this season, or say that they DIDN'T enjoy last season. It's been a crushing disappointment this year, as it is every time we get relegated. Maybe we just have to get used to being a yo-yo club, like Rotherham and others have been. Keeps the interest going I suppose, knowing there's always something to play for. Who wants mid-table mediocrity, season after season
Everyone is different and shows their passion in different ways. But I have enjoyed this season. Compared to our last two seasons of being relegated in the Championship this has felt so much better overall.
If he built out and got played on the wing under a proper manager I believe he would be a boss. Obviously like we say hes got his own work to do