I've been able to distance myself so far. I go shopping either first thing in the morning or last thing at night and if the carpark has many cars in or anyone queuing outside I simply don't go in. The few times I've been shopping there's been about 5 other people in the store at most. That doesn't mean I'm overly againet the wearing of masks but I think that they're only needed (as in they only do anything) if people are being daft in the first place. The biggest issue with them for me is that people are stupid and think if they have one on they're invincible. They should be the last resort not the only line of defence
And from what I recall as a kid having an operation the surgeons hadnt made his mask out of an old t-shirt nor was he taking it off and putting it back on all day with dirty fingers covered in germs
You aren't thinking the risks through. The vulnerable don't necessarily need to be out, to be at risk from those not wearing masks. The people who have to go in and care for the vulnerable are sharing air space with those not wearing masks in the community.
They dont wear them to prevent the spread of a virus though from from cross contamination from splatter, spit etc. I suspect, that without going into the ins and outs that unless you are wearing a high end surgical mask most are going to be utterly useless at stopping a viral infection. Be it the standard they are made to, the fit or the filtration rate.
Why is there this assumption that no-one's going to wear them correctly. I put the face covering on, with sanitised hands, before entering the shop. I don't touch the thing again until I take it off, with freshly sanitised hands, outside of the shop. It then gets washed at 60 degrees after each use. Rinse and repeat.
And that's been the problem all along. Billions have been spent locking everyone up instead of focusing the money on providing safe and secure bubbles of help and support for the vulnerable. For the last few weeks we have been told of bubbles. First it was a single person can have a bubble with one household provided they all social distance themselves from other people for example. Yet in the entire 5 months of this cluster **** nobody, other than a Sheffield care home who protected every resident, thought that was a good idea to stop carers wandering willy nilly into Tesco and then round to visit an 80 year old on their death bed. That's what has killed people
It's all down to personal responsibility I guess. People would be better off wearing surgical masks if they have to rather than faddy designer ones or ones made from their underpants.
Wouldn't people actually be better off avoiding supermarkets that are rammed in the first place? Actually I think supermarkets themselves have a lot of blame. It's madness that they limit the amount of people in the store but not the amount of people queuing to enter said store and that throughout all of this they flat out refused to make any physical alterations to their stores to aid social distancing. Its slightly a different topic but it makes me so angry that millions have been put out of work, small family run businesses have gone to the wall and all so that Boris and co could make his darlings at Tesco richer. The big supermarkets were handed a complete monopoly on retail for months with absolutely sod all restrictions enforced on them.
from the first link I clicked on from google " What's the difference between Type I and Type II Masks? Type I, and Type I R face masks have a BFE (bacterial filtration efficiency) of 95%, whereas Type II and Type II R face masks have a BFE of 98%. The breathing resistance, and splash resistance for Type I R and Type II R masks, are exactly the same. Type I, I R, II and II R face masks are medical masks tested in the direction of exhalation (inside to outside) and take into account the efficiency of bacterial filtration. Surgical masks of this type stop the wearer from infecting the surrounding environment. They are not effective at protecting the wearer from airbourne diseases such as coronavirus."
Not a high-end N95 surgical mask, but a disposable one. I agree there's less benefit from a cloth mask, but it's still better than nothing.
The disabled mother-in-law lives at home, but needs help with certain day to day things, such as having a bath. The wife has had to continue doing it, because the alternative is getting a home carer to visit, who's seen god knows how many other people. My wife is a lower risk, but it isn't no-risk. She hasn't gone anywhere during lockdown, but I have to do the shopping for three households. See the potential infection chain.
It's not about protecting you from airbourne diseases. It's about less respiratory droplets leaving your mouth and nose and getting on surfaces, into the air, onto others etc. That's why it matters if others wear one, not if you wear one.
I do and your wife has been offered absolutely no support to isolate herself and create a bubble. That's what has killed people
Of course it would be better if people didn't do their shopping in the supermarkets but I guess many would have had little choice. The supermarkets have been the biggest accidental winners here and I know my regular shopping bill has gone up by 20 plus quid since all this started.
Where did you see that? Its staggering that has not been reported anywhere if its true. Also odd that you posted this comment and nobody responded to it just continued to argue about masks.
But it's dangerous to wear one and think it makes you or others safe. Far safer to stay 2 metres away from someone than to stand 1 metre away wearing a mask having a face to face chat. A lot of people I've seen with masks seem to think that's all they need to do when it isn't. If they were being careful in the first place the mask would do absolutely nothing to help them because it wouldn't need to. Essentially what I'm getting at is that making a big deal about masks gives out the wrong message to our country of idiots. It tells them wear a mask and you're fine. To use a bad analogy (for a change) it's like telling people with HIV that the best way to stop them giving it someone else is to wear a condom and attend orgies every night. In reality the best way is to not go and have random sex.