To give people time to get used to the idea who don't like things sprung on them at short notice and to give them without a mask time to buy some.
That won't happen. What will happen is a small percent of the population will panic buy all the available masks pushing the price up and confining those less well off to their homes for longer
Can I be the first to predict that masks in all shops will lead to a rise in coronavirus cases? Oooo look at me, I'm wearing a mask Im safe, I can do what I want. Touchy touchy touchy... Come closer, it's ok it's safe, want a hug?
Once again the supermarkets will be fine, I'll still go. Beyond that it would have to be something essential and needed same day or I'll just order it. The problem then is I'm likely to always check Amazon first. If they have it, I'll order it from them as I have Prime so delivery is free and often next day. I don't know what kind of minority I am in but that's it for nearly all high street shops for me. More redundancies are likely.
Wear a mask even if the only impact is to make a very marginal impact on your ability to communicate a disease to someone else seems like a no brainer me. As with most things the Govt have done it’s ridiculously late now. Will be interesting to see if they extend it to pubs /restaurants where the changes of transmission are highest. If not mixed messaging yet again
I've got no issues wearing one. I've not worn one out in public yet - but I won't be throwing any tantrums because someone says I've got to wear one. What I will say though is that it's absolutely fcking ludicrous that it's happening now though. 4 months after we went into lockdown. If anyone votes for these charlatans again, then they're utterly idiotic.
Yes why wait? All our European neighbours had to wear masks when shopping during their lockdowns and some still have this stipulation in place. All their "statistics' are much much better than ours. I don't like wearing a mask but I do so for very long hours at work so at least I'm used to it. Wearing one for a couple of minutes or half an hour now and then is really not that trying in the grand scheme of things. The covid apologists on here are having a field-day with this: so sadly predictable.
Someone asked a question,do staff who work in stores have to wear a mask,and apparently the rule does not apply to them, so what the hell is the point of customers having to wear them.
Exactly bringing it in now with infections at the lowest level in months is crazy. I assume the truth is that at the beginning when masks were in short supply we went with a lie of they don't do much good. Now we have to back track on that lie without admitting it was a lie.
I suspect it's more that the media are making the policies The government didn't want a lockdown but the media put intense pressure on them and overnight Boris did a full 180 and announced one. The government were happy to continue the lockdown but the media put intense pressure on them to relax it so they did The government has been clear they don't want masks but over the last week the media has mentioned them over and over and put pressure on so they've announced mandatory masks. I'm just waiting for the media to call for mandatory redundancy and permanent closure of the retail and hospitality industry and Boris will outlaw them
Should have been in place months ago, makes little sense at this point with community infections so low. I don't mind, if those are the rules I'll wear one. I'll just avoid most shops (which is bad news for the economy) Covid apologist is a new one on me, are you suggesting some people are defending the motives of a virus?
Sorry but you breathe at your table if they can't be worn at all then they shouldn't be open. Or they shouldn't be forced to be worn in shops. You can't say a man shopping alone in a deserted store HAS to wear one but a group of mats can sit pins a table getting pissed without one. The difference is Boris and his dad are both alcoholics who can't stay away from the pub
I feel sorry for the virus do I've been doing my bit and sneezing and coughing as much as I can to help the poor little fella out
not sure a 4 year old article holds much value in relation to a brand new disease. In reality the impact is probably minimal but it still has n impact.
Surely the difference is that you can’t eat and drink with a mask on? Thus concessions have to be made. There’s no reason people can’t shop with a mask on, so they should. It’s common ******* sense that masks slow down the spread. It’s nothing to do with the media, the government lied because they didn’t want to take masks away from the NHS (which, by the way I don’t think was a bad decision, if they came out and said they should be worn, but don’t buy them, idiots would horde 500 boxes) They now have to backtrack.
Sack off the ******* BBC and normality may resume a little quicker. With the added bonus of not paying the outdated TV license stealth tax into the bargain