If we are going to generalise, literally every single person who's posted on this board who voted Leave during the referendum, has irresponsible views about the lockdown, social distancing and masks.
Sorry, I can't tell whether you're trying to be smart or prove a point here or whether it's a genuine question. Err - I go food shopping once a week and buy clothes maybe every six months. Is that what you're asking?
I don't get why people are trying to pigeonhole this as a left versus right or Brexit versus Remain debate. They're entirely irrelevant to the issue at hand - and if anything it's unhelpful as people get entrenched with the view of "their side" instead of thinking properly about what they think about the issue at hand.
So again, i'm trying to understand. In your opinion do you honestly think the government want us to wear masks forever?
"Want"? No, not really, why would they? I've explained to you what I think. I think they politically have no choice but to maintain masks now indefinitely because they've backed themselves into a corner where politically it will be impossible to repeal the legislation. As I've explained, masks have been brought in at a time when the risk of community transmission is extremely close to zero. So how can you at any time in the future justify taking masks away unless the risk is actually zero - which it never ever will be. I'm not saying they "want" it - I'm saying I think they're now stuck with it.
If it's a uniform, yes. If it's health gear to prevent the spread of a virus during a pandemic, no. Did you used to kick off at signs asking you to wash your hands in the hospital? There's a common meme doing the rounds about how the masks are like pants that works well. You're asymptomatic for five days, so could be spreading the virus without knowing it. That's the point of them. It's not just a question of saying you'll take the risk of you want, you're not factoring in the risk to others.
We were advised then instructed to wear face coverings in shops etc. And I have to say I have seen no real anger or resistance to wearing a mask. I was in Tesco yesterday and a family was also in. Mum and kids all masked up but dad wasn’t. Might be a reason or he just rebelled. Who knows, but no one seemed to bother. As far as I saw everyone else was masked up and he stood out like a sore thumb. Scotland seems to have accepted the requirements. I’ve been watching bbc and Jeremy vine this morning and a terrible amount of anti mask wearing comments being aired.
I cannot believe that people are so desperate for attention that they have turned being instructed to take safety precautions during a pandemic in to a political argument. Civil liberties, my aris. Sad feckers.
I’m sorry but it’s not a fact. If I go into the office I’m expected to wear appropriate business dress When I worked in a garage I was expected to wear suitable overalls and safety boots If Someone is working at a roadside they’re required to wear high vis etc etc The list is long and boring and none of it is an invasion of civil liberties, it’s either for mine and others safety or a sign of respect for others.
Ok that makes far more sense, appreciate you explaining it. I'm not sure i subscribe to the view that we're now stuck with it. Its probably not '100% safe' for a lot of people to go back to work but politicians are pushing for it - so I can't imagine this government are going to be 'scared' in the future to say we're fine to drop the masks. Granted I agree the risk may never be zero again but i'm sure we're going to get close to it in the future. Here in Malta we've been wearing masks for over a month and the cases are basically zero a day. That being said i know we're on a far far smaller scale than the UK and I'm not trying to give credit to masks being the reason. More just pointing out that I think eventually we will get to a point where volume of cases get to a stage [insert arbitrary number here] where general opinion (both scientific and public) is that it is safe to stop making masks compulsory.
Great comeback. Seriously, mate, I wish you no ill will, but I'm not going to pretend that what you say makes any sense whatsoever — honestly, you sound like the folk that asked: 'But what if I don't want to wear a seatbelt??' Take safety precautions during a pandemic. Have a nice day.
You're pretending to take the moral high ground after calling me a "sad fecker" for having an opinion? Nah, sorry, you don't get to do that. We've specifically talked about the seatbelt point above with people who've had the common courtesy to listen to what the other person thinks and put a counter opinion. I'm interested in and respect the opinion of people like Watford, Old Goat, BarnsleyReds etc but to be honest I don't give a monkeys if you think what I say makes any sense because I think you're the sort of thick ******* who comes on calling people "sad feckers" instead of engaging with their point. You have a nice day as well.
No it’s that you seem to have worked up quite a head of steam over what seems to me to be a trivial matter compared to what we’ve already gone through. It’s not like we’re being told to wear them to go to bed in. Of course some people may regard it as an infringement of ‘their’ liberties if they can’t do the grocery shopping without running the risk of being infected an a-symptomatic person defending ‘their’ liberties. A clash of the liberties
I think we'll have to wear them for a while. Just like everything else that we can't do at the minute because of the risks - grassroots sports for example - it'll be lifted when it's safer. That might be when a treatment or vaccine is developed, and it might be quite a while. I agree it's an imposition on us, but it's a small thing to ask in order to save lives in my opinion. And if it allows us to continue with the reopening of businesses etc then it's worth it.
Just seen the latest league table of most infected areas and Barnsley is no longer in the top twenty. One league that I’m happy to to be relegated from. Note Sheffield, Rotherham and Wakefield are all still in there
Mostly to do with attitude. I live in Rotherham and there is a strong "I'm not wearing a mask" mentality unfortunately. The same as "bugger social distancing if I want to see (insert member) I will". It's quite endemic in Rotherham hence the cases going up. It doesn't help that the pubs in the town centre attract these sorts of people. The Plough and Rhinoceros especially.