I wear one and have on public transport since it became compulsory and have at work since it did there too. However, I do have my reservations about them. The main one is how badly you're effected by the virus is down to the exposure to it. If you're wearing an infected mask there is no way of knowing and the heat from your body is increasing the virus as it multiplies and your exposure keeps building the longer you wear the mask.
If I'm wearing one of the disposable masks no. I change it at lunch. The washable ones I wear all day.
They aren't what gets me is the disposable masks have a shelf life of 23 mins so that should be 21 masks a shift per member of staff. However, the NHS are encouraging staff to try and keep it down it down to two per shift. It should be three an hour.
I dont think being told to wear PPE is an infringement of any kind, I was ordered, not told, to wear osprey body armour and a helmet in Iraq in 52 degrees and guess what, it saved my life. Seatbelts, hard hats for builders and construction workers, safety lines for scaffolders, the list is endless, why is it a infringement?
I am reminded of the terrible loss of civil liberties caused by being forced to carry a gas mask at all times by civilians in the UK during WW2. They were never needed. Absolutely awful that they were forced into this terrible situation.
It's akin to being told to wear brown flared corduroys in the seventies by my Mum. It didn't last and I got over it.
I think this govt could gave been way more proactive as regards masks though. Public information films on what to use, how and when. Really doesn't seem that they have any strategy.
I think they didn't do anything regarding masks because at the height of the pandemic they were still in Vietnam.
Yes, do you not? The risk now could barely be lower without being zero - and it will never be zero. So how can you think it won't be permanent? Hand-**** has said today it's for the "foreseeable future".
Oh this Government have been woeful, everything has been reactive and way too late. They have had to be pushed into most decisions, usually making a U turn from previous decisions.
Aye alright then. When I win I'll give the money to the foodbank, they'll need it with all the jobless there'll be. I'd handshake on it but someone on here would shame me on social media.