There is a minor flaw in your post. Our constitutional system is not based upon individual, collective or corporate 'rights' but 'duty'. There is a subtle but big difference and one, I'm pleased to say, that we do not share with our American cousins. The US constitution is firmly grounded in 'rights' which is incongruous as its chief architect was English (Thomas Paine).
You realise two people had a disagreement of opinion here and it didn't end with name calling or "bullying".
There's plenty in this thread have been perfectly civil - they're allowed to disagree and I fully respect their view. Except E3 Red, he's a wankspangel.
The current R rate is still between .7 and .9 I might be a picky bugger but that’s a long way from zero. I don’t mind you having a different view of the pandemic, but I think you ought to avoid outright lying to get your point across. Could be some good news coming about a vaccine tomorrow, so hopefully old life isn't as far away as thought.
Two people a day are getting diagnosed in my town of 200,000 people. The risk is as close to nil as it's possible to get.
But Stockport is not the UK and has no formal borders. Even if you wanted to not impose mask wearing, some of those virus carrying ******** from Sale and Altrincham will pop over the border to shop at DFS in the Peel Centre.
You're right, they should have been introduced in March like in Taiwan and Singapore then we might have been virus free for the last two months. But we didn't and we aren't.
Really? As close to nil as it’s possible to get? I’d say 1 person per day is ‘closer to zero’, 1 person every 7 days is even closer to zero. 1 person every 30 days is even closer. I can’t work out if it’s imagination you lack? Understanding of basic maths or just a strong desire to be ‘different’ that overrides simple logic?
Come on, you're not seriously suggesting that if we'd have been wearing sanitary towels over our faces for the last two months we'd have completely eradicated it by now? And people are saying I'm in the tin foil hat club?
I'm not saying that, I'm saying that I think we would in probability have been in a better place than we are now. Other things we could have done - not allowed people to just come into the country willy nilly without any testing, tracking an tracing. Look at Taiwan as a good example.
And its not much over a 30 minute drive from the centre of Blackburn - which is very close to going into a local lockdown.
The economy of Taiwan *grew* in H1 2020*. Taiwan has had less than 10 deaths from COVID with a population of 25million people - many living in the very densely population Taipei. They get 3+ free face masks per week from the pharmacy and have since March and public uptake is high. Their deputy PM is an epidemiologist. The economy of the UK fell by ~20% in Q2 2020. The UK has had over 45000 deaths from COVID from a population of 65m. The population still don't have to wear face masks or get them free. Our PM is a journalist and his deputy struggled with knowing where France was. *See also Vietnam.
2 people per day is 0.001% of the population each day 1 person per day is 0.0005% of the population each day 1 person per week is 0.00007% of the population each day 1 person per month is 0.000015% of the population each day I think you are splitting hairs. They are all, I think we can agree - in spite of my limited understanding of basic maths - very very small probabilities - and that's not taking into account that the vast majority of them happened in either hospitals or care homes.