There’s a good reason, or at least a reason why they weren’t introduced in March. At that time we didn’t have enough masks to go around our front line workers let alone to go shopping with.
That and the Deputy CMO was merrily going round telling everyone that they were detrimental to those not ill.
If you’d have originally posted ‘a very small probability’ I would have agreed that it was indeed. but you posted ‘as close to nil as it’s possible to get’ Now we can agree that was factually incorrect as you’ve even added maths of your own that prove you were wrong
Here's one backatcha then - at what point in that line of very low probabilities would you agree that masks should stop being worn?
Not my decision, just like it wasn’t my decision to wear steel toe capped boots, or a seat belt. An expert will be along to advise Meanwhile I’ll get on with my job, which people need me to do.
Taiwan introduced a program of *free* government issued masks (3+ per week for a population of 25million people) within a few weeks of the pandemic starting. If Taiwan could do it, why couldn't the UK?
Will you wear one every day for the rest of your life to protect the thousands of preventable deaths from flu each year?
You can't compare an employer making it a condition of you choosing to be in their employ that you wear their uniform with a government passing a law that you must wear a mask in a public place whilst doing something that is essential for life can you?
Same difference imo if theirs harmful chemicals or dust in the air at work you have to use PPE provided by work , I would say it’s same thing .
Here's a good question. If it is acceptable and not an erosion of any liberties or rights and therefore is a perfectly reasonable order that the government shall force an healthy 18 year old in the peak of fitness to wear a mask that protects other people then why are the same people who push for that not pushing for the elderly and those on the vulnerable list to be FORCED to wear the higher grade mask that protects THEM? It seems to me that through all of this there has been so much freedom removed from people, so much has been forcibly sacrificed by the majority to save the lives of the minority and yet that minority of people at very real risk of dying haven't had a single additional measure FORCED on them to keep them alive. That in my opinion is absolutely crazy
You don't have to as you don't have to take that job. You choose which job you want. You don't choose whether to eat or not
That was my point entirely. You don't have to take the job. You choose to abide by their rules if you choose to take the job. You don't choose to eat
I was referring to the workwear post tbh . If you’re in a job for forty years and they get a contract that requires PPE I don’t think there’s many that would choose to leave imo .
I don't either but it would be completely optional. That person would be free to leave and look for another job. whereas eating isn't optional and as the government have provided absolutely zero support to boost our capability for online shopping then going to shops is an absolute necessity.
You dont have to go to a shop, there's delivery, paying someone else to do it for you. Get a grip, it really isn't the big deal you're making it out to be.
There are options for shopping for food . There’s volunteers ,relatives friends ,charities etc as well as online shopping . There may be people who won’t go shopping because they have to wear masks but there’s also people who won’t go if others aren’t . It’s a fine balance .
Do you think you'll be able to easily get deliveries? I tried from march to June without success. And I personally think the far bigger issue is that people will believe they are invincible as they have a mask on and will therefore be a lot less careful with what they do with their hands and the distance they maintain which will increase the risk to me. I think it's much safer for businesses to be forced to temporarily redesign their stores to allow for greater social distancing than it is to tell idiots that wearing a mask makes it safe. If you own a cafe you have been forced to remove tables to create social distancing. If you own Tesco or Asda you were handed a monopoly on all shopping in the country for months without having to do as much as take the bikinis off sale.
You've asked the question very politely, which is appreciated. I hope I don't appear rude with my answer, which is not my intention. I don't get involved in "what about" discussions. Having a law against drink driving does not give the government carte blanche to bring in any other law that they please. Nor does wearing seat belts or whatever other legislation people have brought up. "There's a law against drink driving so why are you complaining about there being a law forcing you to strap yourself to lamp post naked and be beaten unconscious by the police?" I'll talk to you about face masks which is the topic at hand. I'm not protesting against this law. I happen not to agree with it, but as I say, I understand it. Why don't I agree with it? We're social beings. We express ourselves, interact and form bonds by verbal and non verbal communication with our mouths. We smile and laugh. The reason we have evolved and there's any sort of society at all is because our species can communicate. I think restricting that is a big deal.