Before lock down we were as good as down after a string off poor home games. Hands up how many people would have took 2 points behind and a game in hand at this stage of the season...I’d have snatched your hands off. it’s not the best scenario with the run of games but the incentive of staying in this league and avoiding the drop to an uncertain league as got to be an added incentive for the lads Leeds battering stoke may have helped us...we go there and learn from their mistakes, Luton showed us their weakness,... and had as good a chance has Leeds to win that game. I’m fed up of seeing all the negativity on Facebook/forums that we expect to turn up at Leeds, roll over and have our bellies tickled... were in a battle Leeds are bottlers, keep em at bay and the cardboard cutouts will start getting frustrated... don’t give in yet guys...give the lads some positivity... #beleive
Captain Red love your upbeat optimism hopefully struber will play his strongest team and go for it. but as soon as Captain Profit said in his American drawl “soooooooo we have had the best transfer window ever” as we waved goodbye to our cash cow players and replaced them with Poundland signings and a mute CEO even Jesus could not get the miracle of avoiding relegation to work. I feel for struber and the mangers that went before him. The constant pattern of no ambition or investment and flogging talent the minute an offer lands is plain to see. The business model will just keep sending us downwards. I’ve got the prayer mat out and lucky rabbits feet strung up all over the garage in front of my Steve cooper and David currie posters ! get ready for next season and all of the money Conway and the locusts will invest in us. Maybe some double quilted bog rolls to replace the tracing paper or a main fuse for the distribution board to switch the tv‘s on. Wonder if he will be at all the away games again with his Pom poms shaking hands with the fans and giving out drinks tokens ?
I applaud your optimism mate there's no harm in that. I always believe that we or that any other team I support in whatever sport can win against the odds. It does happen occasionally: Leeds United 1 Barnsley 3
Sorry whitey but us this side of the fence can only react to what we witness from Conway and Co..... No one can place any blame on the players they've given their all... Unfortunately once again through no fault of their own their best hasn't been good enough for this league... Conway and Co have sold us all short... Plenty of soundbites but end result just hot air really... As for the coaching staff juggling oranges with both arms tied behind their backs.... Trying to make a silk purse out of pigs ears... Like the players limited in what they can do.... Conway and Co have really let us my opinion. As for Dane he must suffer terribly with laryngitis only reason I can think of on why he remains so quiet....then again........ Hes only a puppet.... In my opinion the sooner these cowboys are run out of town the better for all concerned.... Love my team hate the board No doubt your going to tell me I'm wrong so we will have to agree to disagree.....
Thursday nights game is a real humdinger now, a win for us blows both the promotion and relegation spots wide open, almost half the teams will have an interest in it.
Evening YTBFC......drivel is it ? well you have your opinion and I have mine. this board has caused where we Are today and nobody else. They have banked profits and invested nothing and improved nothing at all on or off the pitch. Zero ambition False promises zero communication zero investment disastrous transfer windows and flannel is all we have as supporters been given by them. Profit margins is their sole priority selling for profit and dismantling any progress we make to make quick bucks. 2 relegations in 3 seasons a dwindling fan base a club that is going backwards and when the cull of mowatt Chaplin brown and Woodrow happens we will be little more than a mid table league one side to balance the losses of relegation another manager probably on the scrap heap and the circle of sh*t starts again. I’m not speaking drivel but what I can see and smell is bull sh*t by this board from a million miles away. Judge people by their actions and so far the supporters in my opinion have been treated so disrespectfully by this board. I respect your opinion YTBFC but I think you’ll find my opinion about Conway and co will be in the majority of our fans. Read between the lines and look at what they have physically done on and off the pitch. It’s all hot air and words and no action. I have parted with hard earned season ticket money yet again to support the club and my town because when this lot have gone we will still be here. Our wonderful club under this lot are nothing more than a corporate production line to raise profits that are never invested on the pitch, I though that is what football was about success on the pitch and to give the fans something to shout about. you keep happy clapping with them just like the fable of the Emperor's new clothes and I’ll judge them by their actions and not hot air false promises.
I wouldn’t have took it. As tough as it would be I always felt we had to get at least on level terms with safety before the last 3 games. They’re just too tough
Aren’t we four points behind?, and three of the most difficult games coming up?... love your optimism.. but we’re still bottom, and have to rely on 3 other teams doing significantly worse than us...
I might have been harsh, but the reason I responded prior was simple. You're regurgitating the same point incessantly, in random threads. In reference to your claims, I'd advise you to read the club accounts. They're online, free to download. There are no 'quick bucks' being made. By all means, feel free to castigate all and sundry involved in the running of the club. I can accept that. Form an opinion on the information available to you. That's fine. But players are sold in an effort to maintain a functioning football club, that lives within its means. The club is the cheapest in the division to watch. If we're a level below, it will still be one of the cheapest next season too. When COVID struck, leaving the club (and every other club) with no income for months, it had a massive impact. But unlike the majority of the division, Barnsley FC offered refunds on the four games remaining that fans couldn't attend, AND free streaming of all nine remaining fixtures. Most clubs offered streaming as way of a refund. Or, in some cases, streaming of the home games only, as a refund. I think the club's tried to do the right thing there. But it will continue to sell footballers to make sure cash comes into the bank. It has to, to survive. Just like it did under previous ownership. Just as it always has. You talk about a circle of shít, and I don't know how long you've been watching BFC. But we've been bouncing between tiers two and three for nearly 20 years now. I began watching the Reds in 1988 and so I was fortunate enough to see the 'glory' years, so to speak. But I think that's hurt the club in the long run. I mean, one season in the top flight in 133 years speaks for itself. All of my friends when I grew up in the 80's and 90's were Wednesdayites, or Leeds, with your usual Liverpool and Man Utd fans thrown in. Armchair fans most of them. I know loads like that now as well. I've mates like that. And I mock them all the time. Barnsley born and bred, but huge Liverpool fans. They've never been to Anfield like, but they'll post on social media about how Klopp is this and that. I knew what I was signing up for, following in my family's footsteps, choosing my hometown club. We're an underdog. We're a small club. But sometimes we have our moments. These are tough times, and I really do appreciate a lot of the complaints have merit behind them. It saddens me too, this negativity pervading the fanbase. I hope for better times for BFC. And I'm chuffed to know you've renewed and I agree with your reasoning for it. Goodnight buddy.