Exactly mate. I've got respect for other people's health, so will wear one. Hope it does some good. The people unwilling to wear one are ass holes for the simple reason they think they know better about science, or they simply don't give a flying ****. When it becomes law I'll be taking out a few disposable masks & offering them to people. Will be interesting what response I get. PS why were we not doing this in April / May? This government are f-ing sh!te.
I must be missing something though because I thought the whole idea of everything since march was stopping the spread. ie I had to stay in my house for weeks in case Dave caught it from Sally at an airport, passed it on to Andy at the local park who gave it to Carl at Tesco who in turn gave it to Rachel at the pub, who gave it to her husband like who gave it me at work who gave it to my sister who gave it her husband who infected his mate Ethan who gave it his mum at home who passed it onto Roger at barnsley market who died. Now the message seems to be that you can go to pubs because the chain doesn't exist anymore and if you don't want to catch it don't go to a pub.
A few of the BFC lads have got involved. I know we can't lock 'em up but I'm kind of surprised to see that they are just wandering around together in the shop. I presumed they'd be asked to keep away and get food delivered until the end of the season. (It's not my picture btw which is why I have blocked the person out, it was in a group on Facebook).
Yes. Seems utterly irresponsible of the EFL and the government to allow them to do what they want just because of their profession. Compare with Hungary. They are allowing formula one to have a race there but the stipulation is. Everyone involved must stay in their hotel at all times and only leave to go to the track before heading straight back to their hotel. Over here it's oh you can play football? Go wild
No big deal with wearing one, really. What I don't understand is, why we were told they weren't necessary, during the peak of the virus, only to now be told we have to wear one when shopping. I've been to the supermarket nearly every week, since the virus broke out, and have never used a mask.
Because the media told them to change their policy after seeing other countries do it. It's how all key decisions have been made since march
We don’t know we are born! If you travel to Australia there is compulsory quarantine in a hotel that you have no choice over and costs $3000 for the fortnight and an extra $65 per day for food.You stay in your room and have to wear a mask 24 hours a day. ( the last bit about the mask was made up but the rest is true)
To be fair, we all have the option of not going to the shops. Unfortunately I've got to go the pub as I'm unlucky enough to own one. Should my staff wear masks if I'm just open for takewaway? Should customers?
Sure Snooker is similar in that they turn up for a tournament, are tested and then can’t leave their hotel until out of tournament and that’s in Milton Keynes.
Interested to know as a Landlord, given we now have to wear a mask to shop do you think they should be worn in pubs/restaurants too? Appreciate it’s a little difficult to drink/eat with one on before some one points it out. I’m not asking about the practicalities or financial aspect but principal of wearing one.
You could have special masks with a cat flap and drink through a straw. It would also help if you have to go muff diving afterwards.
Oh! dream of joy! is this indeed The light-house top I see? Is this the hill? is this the kirk? Is this mine own countree? We drifted o'er the harbour-bar, And I with sobs did pray— O let me be awake, my God! Or let me sleep alway.[3] 12 points deducted for Wednesday.
So the BBS poll is showing more people will be put off shopping instead of being more likely to shop, based on masks being mandatory. Masks didn't help these kids out...... https://nypost.com/2020/05/06/two-boys-drop-dead-in-china-while-wearing-masks-during-gym-class/
Thats the policy we have in Singapore, eating/drinking at cafe/resto no need wear. All other times wear. Cafes/resto operating at a lot less than 50% capacity
Boris Johnson looks 75% less of a lovely person than he does without one. Sad thing is he's still a lovely person. For lovely person insert a lady's private part, which to be honest I've never understood why it is an insult. I withdraw everything.
Boris is a moron Boris is a moron He`s got more kids than you`ll ever have. He we go 2, 3, 5. Buggar off Priti.