Why, did she go to Disneyland and stay there, or was she part of isis???? I think I know where she was...
We have a nice uninhabited island in the South Atlantic called South Georgia let's send all the ISIS returners there and they can all keep their British citizenships and keep the Penguins company and the rest of the UK population safe.
I don't know what I'm talking about but wouldn't a case like this be classed as Treason? Isn't life imprisonment applicable for this, now the death penalty has been abolished for it.
They didn't want to be here the majority don't want them here what's the problem. They get to keep their citizenship and live in a part of the UK just not the same part as the rest of us it will cost millions to keep them on the mainland let's spend that keeping the rest of the population safe by keeping them away from us
IMO there’s a massive difference between grooming gangs and terrorists. Yes she was young but at 13 yrs of age you know it’s wrong to murder, behead, kill. Girls groomed by gangs for sex are mostly drugged and shown affection because they are mostly vulnerable young girls.
Get her in a meat grinder or a decompression chamber, failing that let the Syrian courts deal with her, f...ing rat
Are you honestly asking why we should hold ourselves to a higher standard of justice and human rights than ISIS?
It appears that's the case. Fair trial and if guilty appropriate punishment. I hoped we'd moved on from the middle ages.
You could use that argument to never give anyone a fair trial. Did a murderer’s victims have any rights? Did the victim of burglary have any rights? Did the victim of fraud have any rights? etc. In our country we give everyone a fair trial and I am proud of that and never want it eroding, once you deny it for a single person then the right is gone and there’s no way back from that slippery slope.
Lot of hypocrisy around social media today. A 15 year old white girl from Rochdale or Rotherham is persuaded to leave home and commit crimes by an Muslim grooming gang who sexually abuse her - lock them up A 15 year old girl of Bangladeshi descent from London is persuaded to leave home and commit crimes by a Muslim grooming gang who sexually abuse her* - string her up and ignore the men who might still be at loose in the UK. *She was 15, so unable legally to give consent for sexual activity even if she was married. *Nobody* is saying she shouldn't be investigated and receive appropriate punishment following the law. Seems to be plenty saying she should be killed without recourse to a fair trial, legal representation and any of the other legal niceties...
No I'm asking why I should give a **** about the human rights of somebody who actively supported the beheading of fellow human beings just because they didn't share her beliefs. She didn't want to live here when she was lording it over other people in Syria because her "Husband" was an ISIS soldier but when the **** it the fan she suddenly decided her and her kid belonged in the UK. Sorry you reap what you sow
What kind of argument is that? Based on your logic it would be fine for me to support you being summarily imprisoned without trial if you are ever accused of anything. You reap what you sow. But I don't think that because I think that there are several things which are inalienable and fundamental to legitimate justice and democracy. One of those is the right to a fair trial. If you can't understand that it's things like a right to a fair trial and due process that separate us from ISIS then I really don't know what to say.
The laws are as pliable as putty and loopholes aplenty for her legal team to exploit, special dispensation should be given to the courts for this case alone with death penalty an option, let's see if she's up for a game of noose roulette, the skanky little bitch
Nobody is saying that the actions of ISIS are not abhorrent. A good number of us are saying, we're not abhorrent, so let's give her a fair trial. It's hardly nuanced.